Why We All Need Time To Recover

One of the greatest travesties of the modern world is our incessant need to always be on. We’re told that we must work hard and work often.

Most of the time, we’re chided for taking time off, going on vacation, or spending time with family.

You’ll hear the screams of the uninformed telling you that you’re wasting your time. That you could be more productive.

Yeah, sure… That’s great.

But I’m here to tell you something. Something very few people are willing to admit.

We need time to restore ourselves. We need time to rest. We need time to recover.

And the items listed above are all ways to recover. Don’t feel guilty about doing something that brings you back to full strength.

When’s The Last Time You Rested?

The last year has been filled with a lot of hard work.

I’ve been crushing it at work. I’ve continued a rigorous writing schedule. I’ve filled my life with exercise and sports.

And then it hit me..

I haven’t taken a good rest in quite some time.

That’s a problem. Especially when I look at the vacation days I haven’t used.

We Forget To Rest

My vacation days were piling up. Mainly because of a major project launch within my organization.

This project has required a lot of preparation and setup. It’s also required a lot of travel.

Then, add in all the other activities in my day to day life and there wasn’t a lot of time for rest.

All of these activities I’ve been doing are good. Some are even great. But it’s come at a cost.

How To Have More Energy Throughout Your Day

Leading is tough enough as it is without a lack of energy.

Dragging through your day and feeling worn out will make you an ineffective leader. You’ve got to have energy to lead well.

Halfway through your day, you may be feeling like the guy above. Crashed and burned.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can feel energized throughout the day.

But how do you make sure you have enough energy to get through the day? That’s a tough question to answer but I’ve got a few tips on keeping your energy level up (or how to quickly boost it when feeling worn out).

Exercise early in the morning: Who would think expending a ton of energy would result in having more energy throughout the day? This idea never sounded right to me until I began to practice this ritual.

Know Who You Are

Society has created a generation of people who truly don’t know who they are. People have been floundering with their identities for years now. And it only seems to get worse.

The doubts and fears generations past have only continued to build momentum. This has caused us to doubt ourselves.

So many people don’t even know who they are. Let’s decide to change that this year.

You can know who you are

Image by JD Hancock

Not Knowing Who You Are Hurts

Being stuck in the daily grind has been soul-crushing. We’ve gone to work. We’ve punched the clock. We’ve done our duty.

And we’ve been left empty and wanting more.

Our jobs have left us unfulfilled. Our pastimes have left us knowing there’s more out there. Our society has left us confused as to who we truly are.

The Importance Of Drifting Properly

You won’t often hear a teacher on leadership tell you that you need to drift. Instead, you’ll often hear the warnings of drifting.

Drifting may lead you into the middle of the sea, like what happened to Michael Hyatt and his wife Gail. Or drifting may prevent you from going down the road to success like a winter snow drift can do in Michigan.

Those drifts are dangerous. They prevent you from moving forward. They make you stuck.

But there’s another drift. And it’s important you learn how to use this drift properly.

Are you drifting the right way?

Image by WillVision

Have you had a chance to watch The Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift? Tokyo Drift is all about this type of drift.