Create An Environment Of Growth

One of the saddest things is a person who no longer pursues learning once they’ve graduated. Learning is put on the back burner and it’s all about enjoyment from here on out.

The statistics are shocking and sickening.

Rainbow of Books.

Image by John Remy

After Graduation Learning Statistics

Here are some statistics regarding learning and reading after graduation:

  • 42% never pick up a book after college graduation
  • 80% of US families did not purchase a book in the last year
  • Your chance of income decreases drastically when you stop your continuing education

I know you’re not a statistic when it comes to learning. You’re eager to gain more knowledge and implement what you’re learning.

While you’re doing what you can to advance your skills and abilities, your team may not have the same learning mindset.

3 Ways To Remember The Information You Consume

How many blogs do you read a day? How many books do you read in a month? How much information do you take in over a year?

If you’re anything like me, it is quite a bit.

Pool of Knowldge/Image by Ian Muttoo

I have a list of blogs that I read regularly. It’s easy. They come to my inbox and I can choose what to read.

I’ve got more than a few bookshelves worth of books. It’s easy to go and pick one up and read it.

There’s also podcasts, audiobooks, webinars, and more that I take in.

The great information that is available is mind boggling.

And yet that is the problem.

I find myself jumping from one blog post to the next. One book to another. Podcasts and webinars are the same.