Discover The Positives Of Negative Leadership

Everyone who’s been led well has, more than likely, also been led poorly. Can I get an amen on that?

For every good leader, there seems to be 2 or more leaders who use lead wrong.

These negatives leaders don’t care for their teams. They neglect the responsibilities of great leadership. They kill the spirits of their teams.

But don’t fret. Just because there’s negative leadership doesn’t mean there’s not a positive in there somewhere.

Companies, for years, have known there’s value in the negative space. Take a look at the logos of major brands. You may be surprised at what you can find in the negative spaces of these company logos.

Take Fed Ex for example. Their logo is their name spelled out, right? If that’s what you think, you’d be wrong. Let’s look at their logo

The One Thing You Won’t Find A Formula For

Do you remember your school days? When you were taught the formula for pi, surface area, or how to calculate volume.

We were taught they were absolute. And they are.

Formulas are so ingrained into our psyche that we look for them everywhere. Even success.

Image by Tom Brown

Image by Tom Brown

I’ve got bad news for you today. There’s no success formula. There’s no way to calculate what’s going to bring success to you and to everyone else.

You won’t be able to find a formula for success.

There’s no easy path to success.

Success will look different for everyone. That’s why we cannot lay down a simple plan or rule that will lead to success.

Instead, there are principles that we can follow that will help, but not guarantee, success.

These success principles include: