The Growth Mindset: 5 Ways To Transform Your Thinking

Do you thrive on challenges? Do you see failure as a way to grow? Do you desire to continue developing your skills and talents?

Then you probably have a growth mindset. Those that have growth mindsets are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves. They don’t see failure as fatal but rather failure as a setup for success. Challenges are exciting and they are encouraged by them.


Not everyone has a growth mindset. There is a tinge of fear when people hear they need a growth mindset and change.

The good news is that you can cultivate a growth mindset. In fact, if you’re reading this, you’re likely already on the road to success.

What holds people back from a growth mindset

First, let’s take a look at what holds people back from a growth mindset. There’s a wide range of reasons for this.

6 Struggles Every Leader Will Face

When you’re chosen or choose to be a leader, you’ll encounter certain roadblocks along the leadership road. We all face them, so fear not. You’re not alone.

Image by Bruce

Image by Bruce

Since you’re not alone, lets start sharing some of our struggles. I’ll start with my list. I’ve come up with a list of 6 leadership struggles every leader will face one day.

  • Unifying the team: With so many different personalities on the team, it can be hard to have team unity. Someone’s always butting heads with another coworker. Learning to unify the team and create a civil working environment is a must.
  • Delegating tasks: There’s the struggle of delegating tasks to team members who may be able to do them better than you. However, when you begin delegating, you show your employees that you have trust in their work. If you want to learn more about delegation, Michael Hyatt has an excellent podcast episode on delegation.