How Are You Impacting Those You Meet?

I’m still digesting much of the content I took in at the Catalyst Leadership Conference in Atlanta this past October. There were so many memorable speakers and quotes it’s hard to implement everything I learned. This is why it takes time and effort to get the most out of a conference experience.

At the Catalyst Conference, Horst Schulze was a speaker. Horst is one of the founders of the Ritz Carlton. Yeah, he has a pretty impressive resume. He also has a firm grasp of leadership.

photo of expensive buildings

Photo by Macau Photo

Horst is probably best known for his way of viewing work. He instilled in his team members something special. He helped them realize everyone at the Ritz Carlton (from the busboy to the maitre ‘d to the hotel manager) were “Ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.”

This mindset permeates the Ritz Carlton culture. It was also a highlight of the Catalyst Conference.

Things Are Changing, Changing, Changing

Leading Through Change

Yup, you heard me right. Things Are Changing, Changing, Changing…

On this blog. In your world. Everywhere around you.

Change is constantly happening. You cannot stop change. You can only try to hold off change for so long before it overcomes you.

Ripples across water

Photo by Linus Nylund

That’s okay. You and I need to learn how to be okay with a constantly changing world. If we’re not, we will get left behind and we soon won’t recognize the world we’re in.

Even with embracing change, you may not recognize the world. Change happens and it happens fast.

Things Are Changing, Changing, Changing

Things are changing. We know that. We have to live with this truth. But what is changing?

In the broadest sense, everything is changing. Your

  • Business is changing. New customers are coming. Old customers are leaving. What you do in business has been tweaked. How you do business is different. Your business is changing.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Army Of Darkness

A Reel Leadership Flashback Article

Army Of Darkness is the third film in the Evil Dead series. Ash Williams (Bruce Campbell) has been transported back in time to approximately 1300 A.D. after the events of Evil Dead 2. He now finds himself in the time of Lord Arthur (Marcus Gilbert).

Ash finds himself in the past just as Lord Arthur and Duke Henry the Red (Richard Grove) have entered into a feud. No background is given to the feud but you know it is bad. Lord Arthur’s men are bringing back Henry’s men after a skirmish. They are to be put to death.

Bruce Campbell in Army Of Darkness as Ash Williams holding his shotgun in the air

But it is not only Henry’s men Arthur’s men have captured. Ash is one of the captives. He’s on the path to doom until one of Arthur’s wisemen (Ian Abercrombie) thinks Ash might be the man from the prophesy… The man who will save them all.

The Three Greatest Investments A Leader Can Make

Making money has always fascinated me. Even as I child, I would look for ways to earn extra money. It’s something that has caught my attention and never lost it.

Whether it was looking for ways to increase the number of customers I had on my paper route or how to invest in penny stocks and eventually big-boy stocks, making money has been on my mind. That’s not a bad thing. It’s also not a good thing either.

Stock market graph on a laptop

Photo by MBM

While I always desired to make more money, I never knew there were areas of my life I should be investing in that would show a greater return than the stock market or a business idea. Did you miss this as well?

As I’ve aged, I’ve begun to look at the areas of my life that have shown the greatest return for the investment I’ve placed into it. I noticed there were 3 areas my investments really paid off.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Overcomer Movie

Overcomer is the latest film from the Kendrick brothers, Alex and Stephen. They produce movies under the company of Kendrick Brothers Productions. Since they’ve begun working on movies, the Kendrick brothers have released multiple films including War Room, Courageous, Fireproof, and Facing The Giants.

Their faith-based approach to movie making is astonishing. They began creating movies with their church, Sherwood Baptist Church because they discovered many people said a movie leaves a more lasting impact than a church sermon. This is also one of the reasons I created the Reel Leadership series. Passing on leadership lessons from movies because a movie is easier to remember than a seminar or leadership conference.

Cast members from Overcomer the movie

Overcomer tells the story of Coach John Harrison (Alex Kendrick) as his basketball program shuts down at Brookshire Christian School. He is then recruited by principal Olivia Brooks (Priscilla Shirer) to take over the cross country team.