How Strong Leaders Build Mental And Emotional Well-Being

It’s becoming increasingly apparent how important our mental and emotional well-being is. From leaders’ moral failures to the stories of leaders and pastors committing suicide, the focus has shifted from results to health.

Our mental health matters. Our emotional health matters. 

While we know this, we regularly ignore their importance. We look for ways to skirt around our mental and emotional health. We believe we can take care of it at some later time.

You can’t. And you won’t.

In fact, you might get to a point you can never take care of them. You’ll get to a point where you make the ultimate decision in your life.

I don’t want that to happen to you. I want you to live a vibrant, thriving life. I want you to be healthy and whole.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Blue Beetle

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

This weekend saw the release of the DC Comics movie Blue Beetle. Blue Beetle is a lesser-known comic book character along the lines of the character Booster Gold. Both of these characters are fun, interesting, and worth a movie. 

After watching Blue Beetle, I’m glad DC Comics decided to produce and release this film. It was a fun run through a character that doesn’t get enough love. 

There have been three Blue Beetles in the comic books. Dan Garrett was the original Blue Beetle. Ted Kord was the second. The third, and focus of the Blue Beetle movie, is Jaime Reyes (Xolo Maridueña). Directed by Angela Manuel Soto and written by Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer, the film pay homage to the first two Blue Beetles by mentioning them throughout the movie.

What Is Effective Leadership?

Every leader wants to be effective in their leadership. Not every leader is effective. One of the reasons behind that is not knowing what effective leadership looks like.

What is Effective Leadership?

What is effective leadership? Effective leadership is the ability of an individual or group to guide, inspire, and influence others toward the achievement of a common goal. They also nurture the professional and personal growth of the people they lead. 

Effective leadership involves excellent communication skills, thinking strategically, being able to adapt, and making informed decisions.

All of those things are things you can work on personally. That’s the thing to keep in mind while you read this article and become an effective leader. You can do it!

Leadership Reflections From The Amway River Bank Run 2023

I participated in the Amway River Bank 25K run this past Sunday. It’s an annual event that was started in 1978. The race, a 15.5-mile stroll through downtown Grand Rapids and more, is one of scenic beauty. You run past the John Ball Park Zoo, along the river bank, and back into the city. Every part of the run can take your breath away.

Over the years, the sponsors have changed. It started as the Old Kent River Bank Run, transitioned into the Fifth Third River Bank Run, and is now the Amway River Bank Run. There’s a lot of history in the race and people are proud.

Something unique about the race is the distance. You hear about 5k, 10k, half marathon, and full marathon but the 25k is an elusive distance. It’s one that brings in runners from all across the country. Over 10,000 people ran in this race. It’s quite the experience to run with that many people!

6 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Leader

When you’re a leader, a lot is required of you.

You’re called upon to cast vision. You’re supposed to lead with unwavering conviction. You’re expected to do stuff.

But something that Peter Drucker once said struck me:

We spend a lot of time teaching our leaders what to do. We don’t spend enough time teaching them what to stop.

leaders shouldn't do these things

Isn’t that so true? We do a lot of teaching on the to-dos of leadership. We spend much less time instructing leaders on what to watch out for and what not to do.

So, let’s look at 6 things leaders need to stop doing.

6 Things You Should Stop Doing As A Leader

1. Leaders need to stop ignoring the concerns of their teams: Anyone who’s been on the front lines of an organization, that place where you’re dealing directly with the customer or you’re producing the product, knows there can be a disconnect between the leadership and what’s really happening on the floor. These team members are putting their blood, sweat, and tears into serving the organization.