The Areas A Leader Must Balance

The Work-Life Balance Series

When you think of balancing your life, what do you think of? You probably think of balancing work and family.

These two areas are the first things people think of when they think of balancing life. And for good reason. Family and work are the two most important areas in most leaders lives.

What are the areas you must balance in life?

Image by Nathan Dumlao

But balancing your life goes beyond balancing your work and your family. There are many areas leaders forget to balance.

The Areas A Leader Must Balance

1. Work:

This one is a given. Work often takes up 40 hours or more of our lives. This means a quarter of our life is spent working in the office or building our brands.

5 Ways To Find Balance In Work, Life, And Play

Last year was a year out of balance. I forgot how to find balance in work, life, and play. Things were out of whack and I felt the consequences of being out of balance.

My blog writing suffered. My health suffered. And my relationships suffered. All because I wasn’t balancing life in the right way.

Leaders need to find work life balance

I’ve begun a shift in my life where I’m finding more balance. I’m getting the important aspects of my life taken care of along with the business side.

You can too, my friend. This article will help you find balance in work, life, and play.

5 Ways To Find Balance In Work, Life, And Play

1. Create a list of what is important to you:

We often lose our balance in life because we have never listed out what is truly important in life. By creating a list of what is important to you (you can get a FREE downloadable template at the end of this article), you begin to mentally take note of what activities, people, and tasks should take priority in your life.

How to Choose the Best Career for Your Personality and Skills

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Finding the perfect career that aligns with both your personality and skills can seem like a daunting task. However, understanding yourself and the various career options available can lead to a fulfilling professional life. With the right approach, aligning your interests, strengths, and career goals isn’t just possible; it’s within reach. Keep reading to discover how to navigate this crucial decision-making process confidently.

Assessing Your Skills: The Key to Unlocking Suitable Careers


Your skill set is another crucial factor to consider when contemplating career choices. Hard skills, such as proficiency in specific software, technical knowledge, or foreign language fluency, are straightforward in aligning with certain careers. Soft skills, like communication, leadership, and problem-solving, although less tangible, are equally important when considering potential paths.

Signs It’s Time To Hire An Assistant

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If you are running a business as a solopreneur, there will undoubtedly be times when things will get overwhelming for you. When this happens you’re going to realize that perhaps it’s time to get some help. 

If you’re used to having a one-man or a one-woman show this can be very difficult. However, if you want to have a great work-life balance it’s always a good idea to make sure that you are getting all the help you need to help your business to grow.

Woman in a white shirt sitting on a chair

Photo by Gerzon Piñata:

Things are Not Getting Done

The first and most obvious sign that you need some help is when things are just not getting done. This may seem obvious but many frazzled business owners fail to take in this glaring truth.

Balancing Work, Family, And Faith: 4 Ways To Set Priorities

If you’ve been a leader for any amount of time, you know that your time is a critical asset. People are reaching out, trying to get you to solve a problem, and then there are your family and friends. There’s always something happening.

Work-life balance seems unattainable. It’s this mythic beast that roams around that you just cannot tame.

Or so it feels…

You can tame the work-life balance beast. It’s not a unicorn. It’s something that can and must, be done.

The Challenge

The challenge of balancing work, family, and faith is a real one. You want to do your best at your workplace. You want to do the best job raising your family and caring for your spouse. And, I hope, you want to be a good member of your local church.