As I’ve grown my platform at, I’ve had many bloggers ask if they could guest post on the site. It’s always an honor to be able to share my platform with others. In fact, I think it’s my responsibility to help others expand their reach. This is why I’m giving an invitation to guest post or contribute an article on the blog.

Image by Sebastien Wiertz
My posting schedule will continue to be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Guest posts will be in addition to these standard days and, for the most part, appear on Saturdays. Contributed posts may fall on any day of the week. This will allow me to continue sharing my knowledge and give you the opportunity to share yours with my community.
However, with that, I will have some guidelines. GUEST POSTING GUIDELINES:
My blog is about leadership and everything that relates to it. Thus the content of guest posts must relate to some aspect of leadership. Here are the areas I’m looking for.
- Leadership
- Personal Growth
- Business Relationships
- New media
While these are the main type of posts I’m looking for, I may be open to others as well. It never hurts to shoot me a message to see if I may be interested.
Guest posts cannot be advertisements or a sponsored post. If you’re interested in advertising or hosting a sponsored post, please contact me via my Contact Page.
- Your guest post must be original and not previously published.
- You agree not to publish the post anywhere else on the web or in print once it’s been published on You can, however, publish a snippet on your blog to let your readers know you’re guest posting at my site.
- You accept the responsibility to help promote the post through social media and your blog.
- Please provide a brief bio to be included with the guest post. Your bio can be 3-4 lines and include up to three links to where readers may find you. These include links to Twitter, your blog, Facebook, etc.
- Posts should be 300-700 words in length.
- You agree to interact with my readers once your blog post has been published. This includes responding to comments.
- If I reject your post, you are free to do with it as you please.
- There may be slight editing of your guest post to correct grammar, spelling, and other corrections. If I have to make substantial changes, I will contact you to get your approval before publishing.
- I reserve the right to add my own comments to the blog post. It may be for clarification purposes or to call some important piece of information out. If this happens, I will be sure readers know it is from me and not you.
I know it takes a lot of work to write a quality blog post. However, I may reject your submission for any reason. While I may provide a reason, I am under no obligation to do so.
Submit Your Post
If you’d like to submit a guest post:
- Send an email to me. I will give my response within 2 weeks of receiving the submission.
- Include a short bio that includes who you are, what you do, and links to where readers can find you.
- Submit your post in the body of the email. No HTML formatting is needed. If for some reason you cannot do this, please send me a message and I’ll do my best to work with you.
I hope you’ll consider stepping onto my platform and sharing your message with my audience. They’re a great bunch and are looking to expand their leadership abilities.
About Contributed Articles
I am accepting contributed articles. Contributed articles come from an advertiser or other agency in which a product or service is recommended or linked to.
I will review the articles and reserve the right to refuse to publish them if they are not appropriate or link to inappropriate content.
Question: What has been your experience with guest posting? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.