The fear that holds us back is often unfounded fear. It is not the good fear that keeps us safe.
We become fearful over the state of the economy, the weather conditions, even our ability to perform well.

Photo by Joe Pearson on Unsplash
I think back to when I started to write Reel Leadership. Reel Leadership is the book I wrote last year. In it, I share how to use movies to become a better leader.
But Reel Leadership almost didn’t happen. I had let my fear keep me from writing it.
Many parents know the fear of someone thinking their baby is ugly. Whenever we create, we have that paternal fear. We fear people won’t like what we create.
That was me. Until it wasn’t.
What did it take for me to overcome fear?
Overcoming Fear

Photo by Jaqueline Fritz on Unsplash
There were things that helped me in overcoming fear. These are things anyone can do. These are things everyone should do.
1. I found a community:
I found a community with the great people at New Degree Press. They’re not a traditional publisher but they are good people.
Without them, I wouldn’t have been able to have the confidence to finish this book. Reel Leadership would’ve sat on a hard drive somewhere like so many other works of mine.
The community was encouraging. They helped me to understand the writing process better than I did. They helped me understand what makes a good book. And they held my feet to the fire.
If you want to overcome fear, find a community you can be a part of.
2. I had a roadmap:
In addition to the community of New Degree Press, I also had a roadmap. In helping many other authors publish their books, they knew how to get it done. They had everything laid out for me to follow.
A roadmap can help you overcome fear because you then have an idea of where you’re headed.
Have you ever headed out for a road trip only to discover your phone’s GPS signal wasn’t strong or your phone lost data and the directions were no longer coming?
It’s scary! That’s because you lost your roadmap.
By obtaining a roadmap, you know the direction you have to go. You know the major landmarks you have to hit. And you know someone else has gone before you.
3. I took a step:
Regardless of everything else I had in the process of writing Reel Leadership, none of it would have mattered had I not taken the first step.
You overcome fear not by sitting on your butt. Not by talking about fear.
You overcome fear by taking a step. Then another step. And another. Until you finally reach your destination.
Each time you take a little step, you get a little closer to your goal. You also begin to realize the fear you’ve felt for so long isn’t real. It’s a figment of your imagination.
Take a step today. Take a step tomorrow. Keep going until you’ve overcome fear.
You can do this. I believe in you. Fear doesn’t have to rule your life.
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