Today, I’m live blogging from the Catalyst Atlanta Conference. Catalyst is a gathering of leaders to hear from some of the best and brightest in leadership.
Catalyst’s theme for 2016 is Uncommon Fellowship.
If the live updates on my site aren’t enough, you can also watch Catalyst Live here.
The first speaker for the last day of Catalyst Atlanta is Brian Houston, pastor of Hillsong Church.
How would you define success for your own life? Brian would say that it’s setting up a platform that enables the next generation to win. That is his calling.
The hope of the church isn’t in the past. The hope of the church is in the future.
Those coming up in the church, the next generation of leaders.
We try to hold onto the past. Past teachers. Past traditions. And past ways of doing things.
There’s fear in moving on and letting the future arise. The way to get around this? Keep our eyes up.
That’s not saying there’s not good in the past. The thing is, we can’t continue living in the past.
Be A Doer Instead Of A Critic
What do you want to be? Do you want to be a chef or a food critic? Would you rather be a movie maker or a movie critic?
Critics don’t make much. They just criticize what’s already been done.
We need more doers and makers than critics.
But being a doer and maker is uncomfortable. We’re opening ourselves up to have those critics attack us.
It’s dangerous but it’s good. It’s also fresh and good.
And that’s the future of the church: Fresh and good.
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