Throughout these past four months, I’ve experienced such a gratifying feeling due to the evolving nature of my writing craft, and my overall outlook on life.

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For so long, I’ve had writer’s block. The only writing I did for a long while was writing about my day to day routine in my journal. Although I’ve done some writing for various other writing sites, for a long while, I had stopped submitting work, because my well of ideas for stories, poetry, etc…had run dry.
Then, back in October of last year, I got involved with a site that dealt with writing prompts to get the well of inspiration filled again. The writing prompts were done through the use of photographs, or a phrase. Through utilizing the tools allotted from the site, my memory was refreshed on how to properly write Haiku and Limerick poetry with the writing tips they provided. From October of 2014 through January 2015, I created a large body of work.
To enhance my knowledge about the writing craft, at the end of January of this year, I began participating in the 31 Day Writing Challenge sponsored by the My 500 Words website. I found out about the site and the challenge through surfing Facebook. At the time, I was searching for more ways to challenge myself to further grow and evolve both as a writer and as a person.
I missed the first day of the challenge, because I didn’t read the email carefully that Jeff Goins sent me to actually realize when Day 1 of the challenge was to begin. However, from Day 2 onward I’ve been productive and I hadn’t missed out on an assignment pertaining to the challenge. I not only completed the 31 Day Writing Challenge a few days ago, but I have continued to do the challenges beyond the 31 Days as stipulated on the page containing the day to day assignments consisting of not only the assignments for the 31 Day Writing Challenge, but listed the assignments beyond the 31 Days.
Throughout this journey, I’ve learned much about myself and my own capabilities. Through reading the various articles written by Jeff Goins and other remarkable experts who share their knowledge and expertise on the writing craft, I acquired helpful tools to incorporate into my daily practice when writing.
My writing process has been going smoother. I’m not overwhelmed with writers block, because my ideas flow more freely due to my active thought process. My mind is more active, which makes the writing process easier and more gratifying than ever.
Although I’ve always had a passion for writing, I have fallen even deeper in love with the writing craft, as a result of participating in the daily writing challenges. I’m loving it more and more each day. There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing other than to write and blog. I’m at a good place in my life now professionally, and I hope to grow and evolve further as the days pass.
This was a guest post by Joanna Maharis. Joanna is an author and a blogger. You can find her at and her books here.
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