Today’s the last day of the year. The sun is setting on 2012. Three hundred and sixty six days passed this year. That’s 366 chances to have made a difference in the world.
Did you lead better this year? Did you do the things you desired to do? Did you reach to new heights?
I hope you did. I know you have the potential to do great things. The world is at your fingertips waiting for you to step out and take the next step. Are you willing to seize the day?
I Am
There’s been a lot of frustration in life as I’ve held back and not stepped forward as much as I should have. There have been work, family, and church situations that called for me to step up and be a better leader and I failed.
Thankfully it doesn’t end there. There’s always another day and another chance to step forward and lead well.
I’m taking the stand today to say I’m going to be a better leader this coming year. At my workplace, at my home, and where ever I may go. I’ll be a leader this year.
Will You?
I’d like to ask you to join me in becoming a better leader this year. It won’t be easy. It’ll require you to get out of your comfort zone and make tough choices. And there will be times of fear.
One thing I can promise you though is that this will be well worth it.
As you step forward and lead, you’ll begin to see huge gains in your life. Confidence levels will rise. Opportunities will present themselves. Your world will change.
Are you willing to set aside the petty things and begin leading a life that leads?
Now don’t make this a New Years Resolution or anything like that. Instead, make this a life resolution. A change that will impact you for the rest of your life.
Decide to step forward and lead well from this day forward.
Question: How are you going to live a leading life? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.