The Power Of Goals

Image: mack2happy /

This year has been a crazy year in my house.

I started to blog, my wife quit her job, and we have taken on new responsibilities at our church.

To say this year has been hectic would be an understatement.

I can not wait to see what the new year brings.

Yet I already know some of the things that it will bring. That is because I have set specific goals for my life this year.

Here are a few of my goals for the new year:

  • Blog at least three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Write a non-fiction book
  • Run a 10K with the possibility of a 15K
  • Participate in a mud run
  • Ice climb
  • Walk with my wife daily
  • Complete 4 books with my wife
  • Read 24 books

Five leadership insights you can learn from running a 5K

Image: Pamela Lalonde/About to cross the finish line.

In my first post, I talk about Preparing For My First 5K. It has been a few weeks since I published that post and I completed my first 5K on October 15th, 2011.

It was a great time running with my brother Steve, his friend James, and my youth pastor Rick. Steve and James decided to dress up as super heroes to run the race. You can see a great picture of them below.

James provided a great inspirational story. A year ago he was involved in a bad motorcycle wreck and had extensive reconstructive surgery from the waist down. During his recovery, he has lost 40lbs and become very health conscious. It was my pleasure to run with him in this 5K.

What’s Your Challenge?

Image: Tom Curtis /

Throughout your life you’ll come across many challenges. Some will be small, some will be quite large, some will be of your own choosing. You’ve probably faced the challenge of crossing a busy street, playing sports with someone better than you, or overcoming your fear of the dentist. In the grand scheme of things, these are pretty small challenges to overcome.

Some of you have faced challenges that were much more difficult than those listed. You may have faced broken hearts, severe broken bones, or even cancer. These challenges are quite large and can take quite a toll on you. Many of these challenges were not by choice.

Preparing For My First 5K

I’m excited. In just over three weeks I’ll be running my first 5K. The run I’m participating in is called Run Thru The Rapids in Grand Rapids, MI. This race takes you through a beautiful park and along the Grand River.  The scenery along the course can be breathtaking.

I’ll be honest, I never thought this would be a possibility. Running always came off as painful and exhausting. It has been a long road but I’ve reached the point where I can run more than a 5K. Here are three challenges I had to overcome and how I managed to accomplish it.


Overcoming Shin Splints: When I began, this was a major issue. Five seconds out and my shins felt like that were shattering. After a few days I decided to change what I ran on. I went from running on pavement to trail running. Almost immediately the shin splints stopped and I got to enjoy the beautify of the woods and the enjoyment of a great run.