Today, I’m live blogging from Catalyst Atlanta at North Point Church. These posts will be rough notes from the conference.
Ravi Zacharias has spent years sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has had a successful podcast, author ministry, and so much more. Ravi is a giant in the church world.
Here’s the question for you: What does a person look like who learns to live one day at a time with a backdrop of eternity in view?
He poses this question because it’s something he’s reflected on for a time. Time is on loan to us. It will be called back. Eternity is a gift. We have been given eternity.
What does a person look like who blends both time and eternity? How does a person live like this?
Shared the story of Andre Stamos.
We take so many simple things for granted in our daily lives.
Ravi uses scripture from Genesis (50:22-26). Talked about Joseph.
Joseph’s life reflects to us what the law of God was intended to do. He shows everything we struggle with in this generation.
We think pleasure ought to be unlimited. We should be able to have unlimited pleasure without boundaries.
We need to ask why there was the law of God given in areas of our lives. God’s law was given so we know boundaries.
Joseph lived in a culture where periodic trysts were not uncommon. Polygamy was common.
Moral framework should be based in the character of God.
Reason is God’s gift. Reason abused can lead to actions that are completely wrong-headed.
Joseph used the most difficult word in the dictionary: NO. He could have rationalized actions but he chose to say no.
Stolen water may appear sweet but have a bitter aftertaste.
We cannot violate each other. If we do, we violate the image of God. Think about this the next time you abuse or hurt someone else.
Morality is the demonstration of your redemption.
Joseph’s family was messed up. We are one messed up family. You can’t blame your actions on your family.
Evangelist and apologist have become negative words.
We have pain. We have evil. We have suffering.
There are multiple kinds of pains. Physical, emotional, etc…
The question Ravi’s organization receives most by young people is “Why should I not take my life?”
Young people are struggling with life.
Do you know the God who forgives? Who is willing to give you a new start?
To know how to handle power is a very difficult thing.
Power is not given by people. True power is only given by God. God has given you your platform. He has given you your prerogative.
It’s not easy to love the ones who have hurt you. To treat them with kindness.
Sin always boomerangs. You hate somebody, they’ll hate you back. This is the way the world lives.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.