Today, I’m live blogging from Catalyst Atlanta at North Point Church. These posts will be rough notes from the conference.
Lysa TerKeurst is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of Uninvited. She is also the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. She is passionate to share the word of God with people.
Lysa begins with having the audience open up their Bibles to Matthew 6:9-15. It is the Lord’s prayer.
This then is how you should pray…
From reading this piece of scripture, she offers to have a conversation with the audience. It’s not going to be a speech or presentation. This could be interesting.
Forgiveness is commanded by God
What are you willing to forgive? The big inconveniences and mistakes from loved ones? Mistakes from the Starbucks drive-through? The murder of a loved one?
We’re often taught the wrong way to forgive. When we’re kids, our parents often asked who was right and who was wrong. Then asked to make up. It was all about someone stepping in and making someone else apologize.
As adults, this often isn’t the way it works…
Lysa asks herself how many times she should forgive those who have done her wrong. She shares Jesus’ answer to forgive 70×7.
Forgiveness and reconcilliation do not hold hands
Ephesians 4:26-27, 29-32
These verses are likable… They’re also hard to apply to yourself.
Lysa shared how she was called to 21 days of fasting. When the time of fasting was up, she heard God tell her to go to 28 days of fasting. After protesting, she agreed.
At the end of her fasting, she had two revelations: To trust God’s timing and to love her husband.
A few weeks later, she discovered her husband was having an affair.
The journey wasn’t easy. There were ups and downs. There were trials.
The finish line isn’t where we think it is.
Her experience through the reconciliation process showed her something interesting. While her husband wasn’t going to counseling, she had a choice to make. She could choose to go and make a difference in her life.
Both parties don’t have to participate. You get to decide your level of participation.
Today is a great day for you to forgive.
You don’t have to wait for the other party. You don’t have to wait for an apology. You don’t have to wait for someone else to forgive. YOU are the one that can decide when it happens.
It doesn’t excuse away the other party’s actions. What it does mean is that you get to start the process of healing.
Sometimes we do things not because we want to do them. Sometimes we do things because Jesus told us to forgive.
Whenever my feelings will not allow, surely the blood of Jesus will cover.
God is not after changed behavior. God is after a changed heart. Redemption is possible.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.