Every day you have a decision to make. Do I carry on or do I call it quits?
It’s something I think about and I’m sure you do to. Maybe not consciously but it’s there subconsciously.
Many factors play into the decision to continue the work or call it quits.
- The impact you’re having
- The income you’re bringing in
- The quality of relationships you’re able to build and maintain.
In May I read a message I thought I would never hear.
July would be the last year of, what I consider, the best Christian music festival, Cornerstone.
Actually, I lie when I say it was the best Christian music festival. It was much more than that.
Cornerstone Festival brought together the best in Christian art, music, teaching, faith, fellowship and more.
It was a community. It was an experience. And for some it was a lifestyle.
Year after year for the past 29 years they have brought together countless people looking for more.
I had the pleasure of attending 5 or 6 of these years and always left feeling challenged and strengthened. They always gave you knowledge and wisdom to chew on well after you left.
Now what does this have to do with leadership?
It goes to show
- You have to evaluate where you are. Over time change happens. Demographics shift. Movements fade. People stop showing up.
Take the time to evaluate your situation and see what needs to be done. Make the necessary changed. If that doesn’t work, is it time to call it quits? - You need to know when to call it quits. It’s painful. It will hurt people. It will change people’s lives. But you can’t continue digging yourself into a hole. Decide when too much is too much.
- You still can look back on the experience with a smile. While it brings sadness in closing out a chapter in your life, you still have the memories of all the great times you’ve had. Nothing can take that away. Keep them and cherish them. And move on.
It’s a hard decision to make. And yet sometimes you have to make the decision to call it quits. Will you be able to say you’re done when the time comes?
Question: Have you had a ministry, business, or other thing you had to call it quits on? How did the decision affect you? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Image provided with permission from www.rudyharrisphotography.com
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