There’s been so many innovative, awe-inspiring inventions in the last couple of decades that it is mindblowing. The Apple iPhone, high-speed internet, DVR… All of these inventions were improvements upon something we already had.
The iPhone allowed the average phone user to carry a mini-computer inside of their phone. High-speed internet drastically reduced the time it took to browse the internet (or download music). And DVRs allowed television viewers the opportunity to record live TV and watch it at their leisure.
All cool things. All things that improved our lives. Or so we think.
Is it really better to have 200 channels to channel surf through? Can you really find something on Netflix to watch with all of the choices available? What about recording all of the television shows you want to watch (but never get the chance to)?
Think about your iPhone or Galaxy phones. They work perfectly fine but you have to upgrade to the latest version because the new iPhone is better.
Or maybe you want to upgrade your 2014 Honda Civic to the 2019 model so you have the newest version of the vehicle.
This influx of better goes beyond entertainment and technology and transportation. So-called better goes into our education and personal development too.
Leaders have access to a near-infinite amount of content to consume. There are new thought leaders popping up every day. You can watch informational and beneficial videos on YouTube or
But this better selection of informational content isn’t doing you much good.
You consume the latest popular inspirational video and move on. YouTube shows you the latest Gary Vee video and then you forget about it the next day. Or maybe you read a challenging blog article and want to change your leadership style. Then the next leadership article catches your eye and you fall victim to the squirrel syndrome.
Choice and more aren’t always better. Though we often consider choice to be better.
Instead of seeking out better, seek out impactful. Then focus on that single piece of content until you’ve mastered the skill in the content.
You won’t find better unless you practice what you’re consuming and finding. Discover ways to use what you’re reading and listening too. Focus on specific actions that will improve your life.
Stop seeking better. Start being better.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.