In today’s fast-paced world, time management has never been more challenging. Technology has made it easy for us to stay connected, and we live our life with a constant flow of information.
The downside is that this same technology has made everything urgent, and has forced leaders to learn how to use their time more effectively in order to meet these daily challenges.
Today’s most successful leaders have learned how to increase their effectiveness by managing their time effectively. These leaders have learned to focus on what is most important.
These nine tips will help you focus on what is most important and increase your leadership effectiveness:
Have A Plan – Effective leaders always have a plan. They know what they want to accomplish annually, quarterly, and daily. They know their most important next actions, and complete them before they are interrupted by other things.
Organize Your Workspace – Effective leaders have an organized workspace. They know that they are more efficient if they have a place for everything, and everything is in it’s place.
Prioritize Your Email -Effective leaders use email as a tool to get more things done. They understand that email can also be a source of constant interruptions, and they schedule two or three times during the day to check and respond to email.
Delegate Effectively – Effective leaders know how to delegate effectively. They assign projects to employees who have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete them, and they followup to make sure that the projects are completed on time.
Learn To Say No – Effective leaders know how and when to say no. They understand that their time is limited and every time they say yes to something, something else will not get done.
Resist Perfectionism – Effective leaders understand that perfect is the enemy of great. They understand that every project reaches the point where there is little to be gained by putting extra effort into it.
Utilize Your Downtime – Effective leaders utilize their downtime effectively. They use unexpected downtime to return phone calls, answer email, or complete important tasks.
Don’t Multitask – Effective leaders understand that multitasking reduces their productivity. They focus on one task until it is complete and then move on to the next one.
Avoid Procrastination – Effective leaders understand that procrastination is the enemy of productivity. They know that getting started on any project can be difficult, and they know how to determine one next action that gets the project started.
Time management is a skill that takes time to development and perfect. Try employing these tips in your everyday life and watch the productivity grow. As you become more skilled in time-management you will become more a efficient and effective leader.
Question: What time management tips have you used to become a more efficient and effective leader?
Photo credit: nicksarebi via photopin cc
This is a guest post by Steve Spring. Steve is the author of Live Your Life On Purpose. Steve writes about how you can become more productive by knowing your purpose, having a plan, and using the most effective productivity tools and techniques.
A former management consultant, Steve loves coffee, sailing, and being anywhere he can stick his toes in the ocean. He is a Christ-follower, husband, dad, and entrepreneur who loves his family, friends, and helping others achieve all that they were created to be. Check out Live Your Life On Purpose or find him on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.
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