The idea of leisure and how to enjoy yourself can be a hot-button topic in the world of personal development. There are people out there who say you should constantly look for ways to improve yourself.
I disagree. There are times when you need to take a mental break. You have to find ways to enjoy yourself.
Yet, there’s also an idea there that sticks. Can we find personal development ideas in the things we enjoy? I know so.

Photo by Andrik Langfield on Unsplash
That’s how Reel Leadership came to be. I realized that there were personal development and leadership ideas in the movies we watch.
Maybe there’s not always a lesson in the entertainment we consume. Perhaps it’s the fact that our minds are being mentally stimulated. The mental stimulation encourages new ways of thinking, so we go about our days differently.
That’s why I want to introduce (or reintroduce) you to 5 games that will mentally stimulate you.
5 Games That Will Mentally Stimulate Leaders
1. Online Solitaire:
Solitaire is a single-person card game with the goal of creating four stacks of cards containing every card in each suit. The game is simple in theory, but there are challenges.
You will have to make decisions that you don’t know how they will affect you later in the game. You might have wanted to place the four of clubs under the five of diamonds only to realize you should’ve waited.
The decisions you’ll make playing Solitaire will stimulate you to think in new and creative ways.
2. Freecell:
Years ago, I had an obsession with Freecell. I wanted to win all the levels and variations possible. I never accomplished that dream.
However, I learned how to think critically through the challenges Freecell presented. Like Solitaire, I had to think about the moves I’d make, which cards to avoid or play, and more.
3. Chess:
The world of Chess is a competitive world. There are many levels of competition that you can play in. Most of the levels, I’d be killed. You, too.
Yet, Chess is a strategic thinking game. You have to consider your moves, but you also have to consider your competition’s moves.
Chess requires you to think ahead. You can’t make quick, in-the-moment decisions and expect to win against a good opponent. You must make your move with the next three to five moves in mind.
Sounds like leading, huh? You have to be able to think ahead. Chess will help you do just that.
4. Wordle:
Wordle is a newish game. Created by Josh Wardle, the idea of the game is to guess a five-letter word within six guesses. Each time you guess, you will see if you have a letter in the correct space, an incorrect space, or an incorrect letter.
The more you play, the more words you try to figure out or remember. It’s a challenging game that has stormed the world and gained the attention of the New York Times (They BOUGHT the game rights from Wardle).
If you want to improve the number of words you know, check out Wordle.
5. Peak:
Peak is an app that allows you to work on multiple different brain functions. You can work on your focus, memory, problem-solving, and other brain functions.
The more you use Peak, the more you’ll stimulate your mind.