What To Do With A Fallen Leader’s Work

We’re hearing more and more about leaders having moral failings. None of this is new. Leaders have struggled, like the rest of people, with doing the right thing.

However, leaders are often held to a higher standard. The Bible even talks about the price a person will pay to be a teacher. They’re more closely watched. They’re judged. And they may even have to face harsh consequences if they lead people astray.

As I recently cracked open a new book, my spirit was stirred. Something didn’t feel right, especially after I read his introduction, where he talked about his love for his children and wife. A quick Google search showed me why.

This author had an affair, left his wife, and married the woman. His affair is why my heart was pricked as I read the book’s first few pages. I felt I had to put the book down because of what I felt.

How To Help Your Training Business Succeed

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

If you are a corporate trainer, then you know all about the effort and time-consuming work that is involved in the training process. It begins with accepting the job and ends with the after-action assessments. When you take on a new client, it can seem like you are reinventing the proverbial wheel time and again.  

It does not have to be this labor-intensive. Follow these tips to learn how to make your processes smooth and efficient for a more satisfying experience for everyone involved, including you.

Create High-Quality Content

The process of creating your training materials is likely the most time-consuming. It is probably daunting at times. This is especially true when you have just designed a highly-proficient presentation only to turn around and do it again.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From A Man Called Otto

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

I didn’t know what to expect going into A Man Called Otto. I knew it would be an emotional ride, but this… I didn’t know I’d have these feelings leaving the theater.

A Man Called Otto was originally a book called A Man Called Ove by Frederik Backman. The film changes the title and stars Tom Hanks as the cranky old man Otto. Otto had recently lost his wife, pushing everyone away because he wanted to join her.

The film shows Otto’s multiple attempts at suicide (if you’re contemplating suicide, please reach out for help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is 1-800-273-TALK (8255)). Each time, someone interrupts his attempt. He is saved over and over again.

4 Things To Give The People You Lead

I’m a firm believer that leaders are not there to demand things, push people around, and expect to be served. Instead, leaders are there to serve others.

In that, leaders need to give the people they lead certain things. These things aren’t hard to do. They’re relatively simple.

Many of us aren’t doing or giving our people the things they need, even when it’s easy enough to do.

So, what are these four things you need to give to those you lead?

4 Things To Give The People You Lead


The first thing you need to give your people is encouragement. Yes, you read that right.

People need to be encouraged. They have this innate desire within them to hear encouraging, positive words spoken toward them, especially when they’re struggling.

Take Action

Upon the completion of my 200-mile Ragnar Road Michigan race, I was awarded a medal. Every person who crossed the finish line received one as well.

The cool thing about the Ragnar Road Michigan race is that the 12 medals the team receives contain a message. Individually, the messages may not make much sense. Combined, they tell a story.

Yet, the medal I received contained a quote that I love to live by. The back of my medal said:

What’s the worst that could happen?

I love this phrase. The phrase helps me to push through fears and, more importantly, take action when I don’t want to.

Man leaping over water as the sun is setting

Photo by Kid Circus on Unsplash

Take Action

I think about many of the things that I have accomplished in life. Had I not asked myself what the worst that could happen was, I wouldn’t have accomplished much.