Encourage Your Team’s Strengths

It is easy to see the weaknesses of your team. Sally may not be the most organized. Jim may be late 20% of the time. And Bob… don’t even get me started about Bob.

We are trained to look for the weaknesses of others. We need to see the weaknesses of others. If we don’t, how will we know what to work with them on to improve?


But what if we’re looking at things the wrong way? What if by focusing on your team’s weaknesses, you’re hurting your team?

It’s not a what-if scenario. It is a truth.

By focusing on the weaknesses of our teams, we’re hurting them. We’re constantly reinforcing what they’re doing wrong. They’re not dumb. They know the areas they struggle in.

Jim knows he’s constantly late. Bob knows he causes frustration in the office. And Sally knows she’s not organized.

What Can Cause a Virtual Event to Fall Flat?

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

The coronavirus pandemic has given a big boost to the popularity of virtual events. These types of events have been around for a while, but they’ve positively ballooned in popularity in the past twelve months, almost exclusively because it has been impossible to host real-world events. The good news is that a virtual event is no poor substitute for a traditional event: you can get just as much success from one as any other kind of event. However, take a look at how to make virtual meetings fun. You will see that there are some things that you’ll need to do differently.

In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a few things that can cause a virtual event to fail. Make sure you’re not guilty of any of them!

6 Ways To Regain Your Motivation

The struggles of leadership can tear you down if you’re not ready for the day and what is coming at you. This is why you need to be motivated.

Finding the key to your motivation can be a lifesaver in leadership. You can go to your well of motivation and keep plucking it out of there.

Woman standing on top of a hill with dune grass

Photo by Samuel Scrimshaw

Motivation will kick you in the butt. It’ll be the thing that tells you “You can do this!” when you don’t want to. Motivation is the key to getting things done.

But what do you do if you’ve lost your motivation to lead? You have to regain your motivation. The following 6 tips will help you regain your motivation.

6 Ways To Regain Your Motivation

1. Pause what you’re working on:

You can lose your motivation because you’ve been working on the same thing for an extended period of time. After spending too much time on a project, you can lose your motivation because it is all you see.

9 Simple But Effective Ways To Modernize Your Home

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Modernizing your home is a great investment, and according to statistics, many would prefer making those changes to buying a new home. Whether you are just upgrading your home’s look and feel or prepping it for sale, modernizing is a sure way to make a statement. Here are some décor concepts that will definitely add a touch of class to your home and make it more functional.

Declutter and minimize

A major modern trend in home décor is space and getting rid of excess stuff is a simple way of creating more. Having a lot of space really opens up your home and makes it feel more homely. Just stick with the few statement pieces that will improve the overall aesthetic décor of your home. It will help to keep your space organized so that it doesn’t look too clumsy. 

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Setup

A Reel Leadership Article

I was scrolling through the Netflix movie suggestions when I saw one that caught my eye. It starred Bruce Willis and I’m a huge fan of his.

Then, after starting to watch Setup, I began to recognize various places in the movie. The film had been filmed in downtown Grand Rapids, Mi. It is a short drive from my home to the places in the film. That made it cool.

Bruce Willis and 50 Cent in a limo for the movie Setup

But, you’re probably wondering what Setup is about. It’s not a widely watched movie, but it tells a great story. A group of friends plans a diamond heist only to be turned on by one of their own. Vincent (Ryan Phillippe) shoots Sonny (50 Cent) and Dave Hall (Brett Granstaff), leaving them for dead. Only one survives, and Sonny chases down Vincent for his revenge.

From there on out, it’s a revenge story about going down the rabbit hole of mistakes. And, eventually, redemption.