9 Simple But Effective Ways To Modernize Your Home

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Modernizing your home is a great investment, and according to statistics, many would prefer making those changes to buying a new home. Whether you are just upgrading your home’s look and feel or prepping it for sale, modernizing is a sure way to make a statement. Here are some décor concepts that will definitely add a touch of class to your home and make it more functional.

Declutter and minimize

A major modern trend in home décor is space and getting rid of excess stuff is a simple way of creating more. Having a lot of space really opens up your home and makes it feel more homely. Just stick with the few statement pieces that will improve the overall aesthetic décor of your home. It will help to keep your space organized so that it doesn’t look too clumsy. 

Integrate smart technology

With the internet at the forefront of many awesome things, it is a great idea to invest and integrate some smart technology into your home. There are simple ways of integrating smart technology to modernize your home, from your garage door to lights and even music. These options will definitely improve the time you spend at home. For these improvements, consider making use of custom cable assemblies as opposed to standard assemblies.

Go natural

Modern trends in home décor reflect many natural looks, and fortunately, several natural textures and colors can create any look you can think of. From wood and stone alone, you can build lovely cabinets for your kitchen, amazing looks for your walls, and make a beautiful centerpiece for your floor. These minor additions can have your home looking chic, rustic, or sophisticated, depending on your wants.

Glass is the way

A casual glance at any modern edifice will reveal one thing; glass is the way to go. Modern homeowners are opting to use more glass for several reasons. Aside from the fact that it gives you beautiful views of the outside world, glass, be it for windows or doors, it is easier to put together. They open up space and also can help with insulation and will significantly reduce your bills. You can also use glass to allow natural light into your home.

Open plan

A simple way to modernize your home is by adopting an open-plan-living. This is one great way of opening up your home and creating more space. Begin by designating areas for their intended purposes, then if you have to, break down the walls to make the needed space. Then finish up by creating the subtle partitions like using a rug to differentiate between the living area and the bar.

Express with colors

Modern homes have an aesthetic appeal when color is made expressive. The dull-white, grey and black color schemes are dated, and it is time you become expressive with your colors and make a statement. Brighten up your home with splashes of color in the places that really matter, like the living room, kitchen, and bedrooms. If possible, get some incredibly colorful art pieces and litter them all over your home.

Change your floor

The floor of modern homes have also evolved and have become artistic. The dull carpet affairs have been replaced by vibrant floorboards or even 3D Epoxy that can be really expressive. Carpets are ok, but with time they get worn and can be difficult to clean at times. Floorboards are easier to clean and last longer. 3D Epoxy lasts even longer and is very cool, transforming your dull floor into works of art.


Just as light is important in photography, it is essential to projecting a modern feel in your home. The style and look of your home can be greatly impacted by lighting, especially at night. It could make your home stand out in a dull-looking street. It is also very easy to tie-in smart lighting into your home if you decide to invest in smart home technology. This can enable you to change the hues and tones of lights and colors based on your mood or the occasion. You may also set it up to ensure that your light goes on or off at predetermined times.

Open shelving

Open shelving is a great way to make use of space if you have a blank wall and can do with a bit of sprucing up. You can transform that wall into a storage space and increase the space in your home. On these open-shelves, you can place books, glasses, pottery, and other pieces that will improve the aesthetics of your home.

Want more tips? Learn 9 simple but effective ways to modernize your home on this page provided by eXp Realty. Discover expert advice to give your home a fresh and contemporary look.

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