Top Posts And Commenters For January 2014

The first month of 2014 has closed it’s final page. I can’t believe how quickly this month has flown by.

Michigan was hit with the Snowpocalypse where we received a ton of snow. Looking out of certain windows, you can’t see anything but the snow. It’s crazy.

How about you? How’s the weather and things going with you and your family?

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With that, it’s time to dig into statistics, something that I love.

Top Posts

1. Your Past Doesn’t Define You, It Helps Shape You

2. 10 Facts You Should Know About Modern Day Slavery

3. 12 Books You Should Add To Your Reading List

4. 25 Leadership Quotes From Martin Luther King Jr.

5. Why You Should Spend Less Time Talking

6. 5 Fears Young Leaders Face

7. How To Deal With Overwhelm

9 Time Management Tips For Young Leaders

In today’s fast-paced world, time management has never been more challenging. Technology has made it easy for us to stay connected, and we live our life with a constant flow of information.

The downside is that this same technology has made everything urgent, and has forced leaders to learn how to use their time more effectively in order to meet these daily challenges.

Manage your time, gain more time

Today’s most successful leaders have learned how to increase their effectiveness by managing their time effectively. These leaders have learned to focus on what is most important.

These nine tips will help you focus on what is most important and increase your leadership effectiveness:

Have A Plan – Effective leaders always have a plan. They know what they want to accomplish annually, quarterly, and daily. They know their most important next actions, and complete them before they are interrupted by other things.