5 Things To Quit To Become More Successful

There’s an old saying that winners never quit and quitters never win. For the longest time, I believed this sage advice. Except it is not sage advice. Saying winners never quit is terrible advice.

You may be scratching your head, wondering how this could be true. You’ve got to continue on, and push on to be successful, right? Wrong.

The people who win the most in life also know when to quit. And they quit often.

Dan Miller regularly quits activities. Google quit and shut down multiple projects. So did Steve Jobs.

These people aren’t losers. These people won in the business world. So why do we think quitting is bad?

Quitting isn’t bad. It’s needed.

5 Things To Quit To Become More Successful

You may be wondering what you need to quit. I’m going to give you five suggestions on things to quit. Once you’ve read the list, you’ll develop many more ideas. Let’s be quitters.

Getting And Staying Healthy As A Leader

Becoming A Healthy Leader

With everything on a leader’s plate, staying healthy as a leader sometimes falls by the wayside. Thoughts of “How do I fit exercise into my daily routine” to “I can’t do a lot of exercises because I’m not in shape” fill your mind. You’re lost on where to start and where to go when you’re looking to become healthy.

The physical strength needed to get started exercising can seem overwhelming. The time it takes to maintain your physical health. And the repetition… These can all get to you as you begin your healthy leader journey.

Ways to get healthy as a leader

Photo by Dev Dodia

Yet you can do it. I know you can because I’ve done it. I want to share with you a few of the things I do to stay healthy as a leader.

If you begin to implement and adapt my healthy strategies, you will find yourself becoming healthier and better able to take on the day.

Don’t Quit! Do This Instead

Before you quit, try this...

There’s many days I feel like quitting. I don’t want to sit down at the computer and write a blog post. Or maybe I’m halfway through a run when my feet and legs begin to hurt.

The pain I’m feeling is almost too much to go on. These are the times I feel like quitting.

But I don’t.

We all want to quit. But quitting isn't the answer. This is.

Lok the Vizsla telling me to keep going

Have you ever been there? Do you ever feel like you want to quit and give up on pursuing your passions?

Don’t be afraid to say you do. I know the truth because I’m there frequently. And I’m sure you are as well.

It’s okay to want to quit. Quitting is the default thought when the going gets tough and you have to push through harder than before.

But don’t quit. Don’t give up. Keep going.

I Almost Quit Before I Began

Weeks before, I’d been asked to join a pastor and his friend on a day hike. The journey around the Manistee River sounded like a great hike. Not only that, I’d get to spend time with some awesome guys.

As the day got closer, I began to rethink my position on the trip.

Backpacking the Manistee River trail in Michigan

“Would I be able to hike the whole 20-mile loop?” and “I’m not sure I can do this. What if I’m not cut out for a marathon hiking trip?”

My mind kept telling me I wasn’t going to be able to complete the trek.

The hike was too long. I was too unprepared. We didn’t have enough time.

These thoughts came from fear.

Fear was whispering in my ear. And I was listening.

4 Times Not To Give Up

I want to give up! This isn’t worth me putting in the time and effort anymore.

These are a few thoughts that have gone through my mind lately.

You don't have to give up

Image by Dee Ashley

And while there are times to give up, there are also times we shouldn’t give up. Even those these thoughts have filled my mind, I know it’s not time to give up yet.

There’s so much more to do and so many more lives to impact.

Have you been there? Have you felt like giving up?

I’m sure you have. We all go through periods where our desire to lead feels like it’s misdirected.

We believe we need to give up when:

1. We want to give up when we feel our leadership is not producing results: We’ve been taught that results are the product of our effectiveness.