You may be thinking you don’t want to welcome millennials onto your team. They’re lazy. They have no work ethic. And they’re going to leave anyway.
I have to say, your thinking would be wrong to think millennials won’t benefit your team. They won’t destroy your organization. They won’t make you less productive.
What they will do is amaze you. All you have to do is give them a chance.
Millennials are a great bunch of people. They’re passionate and excited to make a difference in the world. They desire to use their passion to help organizations succeed. All of this and more will help your organization, not hurt it.
Why You Should Welcome Millennials Onto Your Team
I’ve mentioned a few things already on why millennials will help your organization. We’re going to dive in deeper and see how millennials help organizations like yours.
1. You should welcome millennials onto your team because of their passion:
You know it. I know it. The world knows it. Millennials are passionate.
Passion breeds excitement. Excitement breeds hard work. Hard work breeds awesome results.
Millennials know what the care about and they want to do that. This passion can be used to benefit your organization if you let it.
Because of their passion, millennials can be gung-ho about a project or couldn’t care less. The key is to figuring out their passion and fitting their work into it.
2. You should welcome millennials onto your team because they’re going to be a part of it whether or not you like it:
Millennials already make up the largest portion of the workforce. By 2025, 75% of the workforce will be millennials.
There’s no denying they’re a huge part of business. They’ve already invaded the workforce.
Now, it’s time for you to get over any issues you have with millennials and start welcoming them to the team.
3. You should welcome millennials onto your team because they’re the next generation of leaders:
Yup, that’s right. Millennials aren’t only a part of the workforce, they’re the next generation of leaders.
And the great thing is, you have a chance in guiding and crafting the next generation of leaders. If you accept them into your organization.
Use the time you have with millennials to show them the ropes. Help them to realize their work matters and so does the organization as a whole.
You can shape the next generation of leaders if you make the effort.
4. You should welcome millennials onto your team because they bring a unique view to the team:
Millennials are dreamers and builders. They look for what’s wrong and how they can fix it.
Because of their ability to see what’s wrong and how they can fix it, they are willing to push forward and work towards fixing problems with unique perspectives.
Welcome millennials to your team so they can offer their unique perspective to the team.
5. You should welcome millennials onto your team because they value quality:
Previously, I’d mentioned millennials are looking for quality products and goods instead of cheaply made Chinese products. They’re willing to pay more for something that will last than they are for something that will fall apart next week.
This can roll over to their work as well. They don’t want their work to be seen as mediocre or subpar. They desire their work to be of value.
Much like they value the quality of the products they buy, they want their work to offer the same value.
Can you imagine having a passionate team of millennials who are valuing the quality of work? Your organization would thrive.
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