Lately, I’ve felt uninspired. What used to drive me to write has left me feeling empty and dry. I think my well is close to empty. My well is dry.
Authors, content creators, leaders, and more have a well they go to. This well helps them find new content and ideas to present to their audiences and teams.
Sometimes, these wells run dry. You hit writer’s block. You hit an inspiration block.
There are hours, days, weeks, even years where you may not feel the desire to keep doing what you have done for as long as you can remember. Writing feels mundane. New content isn’t coming easily. Or you don’t know where to direct your organization to go.
It sucks… But it doesn’t have to be the end of what you love to do.
When Your Well Runs Dry
Do you know what to do when your well runs dry? This is a make-it or break-it point for you. You have a decision to make.
Do you continue doing what you’ve always loved? Do you hang up your pen, your leadership hat, or whatever else you’re doing?
I think in these times of feeling dry, we need to look at our well. Look at it. See if your well is empty. If your well is empty, you need to do something about it. You need to fill up your well.
How do you fill your well when your well is dry? You do the following:
Explore your hobbies:
Hobbies give you an out. They help you to experience joy and happiness in a different arena than your career puts you in.
By taking a break from the daily grind, you are able to refill the empty well. You’re able to help yourself see new possibilities by giving yourself the chance to do what you love.
Go, explore your hobbies again. Find the joy. See the joy fuel your empty well.
Read new blogs:
I love blogs but sometimes reading the same authors can be boring. In these times, we need to go and find new authors who can help inspire us and generate new ideas.
I use content aggregators to help me explore these new voices. Sites such as, Leadership Digital, and others. These sites seek out the best in the blog-o-sphere and share content from multiple creators.
I can go to these sites to see who’s putting out great content. Often times, I will see content from new leaders I didn’t know about before.
These new voices make me think in a different way and continue the good journey.
Watch great leadership videos:
In addition to reading blogs, something that has helped me continue creating content and filling my empty well has been the wealth of content found in leadership videos. These videos are created by leaders from around the world and are available for free or at a low cost.
I can watch other leaders who are inspired. Their excitement carries over to me and helps me overcome the negative feelings I’ve been feeling.
Find leaders who are putting out great leadership content in video form. These leaders will help you fill your well when it is dry.
Get off of social media:
Want to drain your well quickly? Get involved with all of the drama on social media.
Facebook, Twitter, and, even, Instagram are places where you can find the most uplifting content and the most depressing content. Learn to control your intake of social media and your well can begin to refill.
Not only will you be rid of the negative social interactions on social media, but you will also find you have more time to do the things that truly matter.
Refilling your well isn’t difficult. What it requires, though, is intentionality to get yourself out of the funk. You have to choose to find new inspiration, to look for new ways to think, and to actually do it.
Don’t let your well stay dry. Fill your well up.
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