How To Prepare For Leadership

Regardless of how old you are, you can always step into the role of a leader. Doing so requires you to prepare for leadership.

Many people will overlook these steps and hop right into the role. Often ending in disaster, for the leader and, sometimes, for the organization they’re leading.

This is why it’s important young leaders prepare for the role of leadership. When you do, your leadership becomes magical.

Abraham Lincoln once famously said

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Lincoln, a great president knew there was a correlation between preparation and success. And he was willing to go to great lengths to prepare.

So, as a leader or emerging leader, why wouldn’t you want to prepare for your role as a leader.

Back To School With LIFT Leadership Training Part 1

Leaders are constantly learning. We all know that. It’s important if we want to grow and continue to be effective.

So when I was recently approached about applying for Willow Creek’s Leadership Institute for Transformation or LIFT for short, I jumped at the chance.

I chose to take the Leading for Results course. It’s a seven week class focusing on improving my leadership skills by showing how to get results that matter and how personality makeup is key to getting those results.

The course was designed by Henry Cloud and uses his book Integrity for a text book. Along with the book, there is a discussion forum for students to discuss what we are learning and to post our assignments. I’m currently entering into week 4 of the course.