Leaders are constantly learning. We all know that. It’s important if we want to grow and continue to be effective.
So when I was recently approached about applying for Willow Creek’s Leadership Institute for Transformation or LIFT for short, I jumped at the chance.
I chose to take the Leading for Results course. It’s a seven week class focusing on improving my leadership skills by showing how to get results that matter and how personality makeup is key to getting those results.
The course was designed by Henry Cloud and uses his book Integrity for a text book. Along with the book, there is a discussion forum for students to discuss what we are learning and to post our assignments. I’m currently entering into week 4 of the course.
This has required a bit of adjustment on my part. I haven’t had formal schooling in over 10 years. Getting back into the swing of things has been a challenge. Yet it’s one I gladly take on.
In the first three weeks I’ve discovered quite a few interesting insights about my leadership style.
- Like a boat, we all create a wake. There are two sides the wake. One side of the wake is relational, the other is missional. My wake for relationships is out of balance with my missional wake. I will be focusing on this aspect of my leadership and bring it into proper alignment.
- Truth is more than telling the truth. It is about connecting and making sure solutions are understood. I may come to the conclusion that is right but if it’s not understood by other parties, it may not be the truth for them.
- My reality may not be seen the same way as my team. Our realities are shaped by our experiences and that means it can be skewed one way or the other. This has made me realize I need to focus on the reality of others and how they see the situation, not how I see it.
I’m really excited about the growth that I’m seeing through this program. LIFT has given me insight into three areas that I need to focus on and improve upon. If I’m able to master these three areas, I will become a better leader.
But that’s not all. Not only is the LIFT course helping me improve my leadership skills but it is also helping me see areas that I struggle with in my marriage.
In my marriage, I can see where I try to force my reality onto my wife. It’s something I continue to struggle with but now that I know it is there I can focus on correcting course and becoming a better husband.
Over the next couple of weeks I will post two more blogs about this class and my expereince. I hope it will encourage you to take action and continue your education. Whether it be through blogs, school, or online training.
Question: How have you been continuing your education? What resources have you found helpful? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Disclosure: I was offered the chance to take the class for free if I blogged about my experience three times. The opinions expressed are my own and were not influenced by this offering.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.