Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The Cloverfield Paradox

During a Superbowl 52 commercial, viewers were treated to a surprise. Netflix released the trailer for the Netflix original movie The Cloverfield Paradox. And a release date: February 4th, 2018… The same night of the Superbowl and the same night the ad aired.

Whoa! Minds were blown and people were ready to watch the next chapter of the Cloverfield multiverse release. How would The Cloverfield Paradox tie into Cloverfield and 10 Cloverfield Lane? You would have to go to Netflix to find out.

Quotes and leadership lessons from The Cloverfield Paradox

The Cloverfield Paradox

The Cloverfield Paradox takes place before the original J.J. Abrams’ Cloverfield movie. A crew of astronauts was sent to outer space on the Cloverfield Station. There, they were to activate the Shepard particle accelerator to save Earth.

Earth was suffering from an energy crisis. With the Shepard particle accelerator, they would be able to create infinite energy. But something goes wrong…

How To Assemble A Support System

Even leaders need help

One of the hardest things for a leader to do is to ask for help. Too many new leaders see this asking for help as a sign of weakness.

Break that thought pattern. Being willing to seek out the advice and support of others isn’t weakness. No, doing so is  a strength.

As you step into the role of a leader, you have to know how to assemble a support system.

great leaders require a support system

What A Healthy Support System Looks Like

We’ve been lied to. We’ve been fed the lie leadership is a lonely battle.

Well, that’s true but only if we let leadership be lonely.

You have a choice. You can cultivate a healthy support system and be an effective leader. To do so, you have to surround yourself with people who will hold you up when you are weak.

How To Keep Motivated As A Leader

You can’t keep driving a car without filling up the gas tank or charging the electric car’s battery. By continuing to drive without fueling up, the car will eventually leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere.

We can apply the same principle to our leadership. But instead of gas or electricity as our fuel, our fuel is motivation.

And sometimes we lose that motivation. We forget how to keep motivated…

You can stay a motivated leader

What Is Motivation

We can only go so long before we run out of juice. Especially if we forget what our motivation is.

Motivation is our desire or willingness to do something.

I have to muster up the motivation to write on a daily basis. I have to find the motivation to record or edit a podcast.

5 Things A Leader Should Pray For

Faith plays a major role in my life. According to my reader survey, faith also plays a major role in your life as well.

That’s cool! It’s exciting to see other leaders living out their faith as well.

Who are you praying for as a leader?

Image by C. Jill Reed

Being leaders of faith, I must raise the question: Are you praying daily in your leadership roles? If not, why not? If so, are you praying for the right things?

Every leader is different so the right thing to pray for may be different for you. Yet, I think every leader will see overlap in certain things they’re praying for.

1. Their family: First and foremost, a leader needs to be praying over their own family. Pray over your wife, or husband if you’re a female leader. Pray over your children. Go as far as to pray over your pets.