Just What Are You Missing?

When we look at the world around us, we often see a limited view. Especially when it comes to the area we live in.

We see opportunity everywhere. You might think living in Hawaii will change your life. It might but, then again, it might not. You might think moving to Nashville will bring you success. Will it really?

There’s more to our success than where we live…

There’s an old story about a college professor talking to the incoming freshmen. The story goes:

“Suppose that by paying a modest sum you would be given a permit to go into the largest most luxurious store in the world and help yourself to everything- diamonds, watches, expensive clothing, the best of everything, with the only limit being what you could carry away in a 4-year period…

The One Thing Great Leaders Know They Must Do

Great leaders know they must do lots of things. Great leaders need to be aware of their team’s emotions. Great leaders need to be consuming and creating fresh content. Great leaders need to take people to new heights.

But great leaders also know there’s one thing that is required to lead well. What is that one thing? Keep reading to find out.

Great Leaders Do This

We already know that great leaders do many things. All of them are part of great leadership but there’s one thing that help mediocre leaders move to the level of greatness.

This action is something most of us have done all of our lives. Yet we hate it. We struggle with taking this action.

Sometimes we feel uncomfortable because doing this makes us feel like less of a leader. Other times we don’t think we can do this because we haven’t been able to find the right one.