Why You Should Embrace Change

Leading Through Change

I can hear your groans as I type this. Why, oh why, should I embrace change?

Change is difficult. Change is yucky. And change means things will be different.

You’re correct on all of those accounts. I won’t deny change is difficult, yucky, or even different. Change can be all of those things.

man and woman hugging in a field

Photo by Allef Vinicius

But change is also good. Change brings life and newness to your organization.

Why You Should Embrace Change

Change brings life:

That’s the first reason you should embrace change. Change will help your organization evolve and grow.

When I think of this, I think of what Ken Harrison is doing with the Christian men’s ministry of Promise Keepers. I heard Ken speak at Barn Base Camp in August.

He shared about his life. Then he shared about Promise Keepers and what they’re doing.

What To Do With Change

Leading Through Change

Change… The one thing that never changes. You can always expect there to be change in your life and leadership.

Change is a constant. You’re not going to escape from it though many people try to avoid change.

Person standing tall looking into the sun

Photo by Bryan Minear

This brings up a valid question about change. The question?

What to do with change?

Every leader needs to ask themselves this question. You need to have an idea of what change is coming and what you can do with the change.

There are many leaders who aren’t willing to answer this question. For them, their leadership days are numbered. For you, faithful reader, the answer is different.

You know you can’t ignore the question. You have to be willing to answer this defining leadership question.

What To Do With Change

There are two things you can do with change. One will help you to continue growing. The other will stunt your growth as a leader.

Two Questions To Ask Every Leader You Meet

Grow yourself by asking the right questions

Any leader who has been around for a while will know he doesn’t have all the answers. Far from it. This is why great leaders surround themselves with people who have expertise in areas they lack.

But what happens to a leader as he rises through the ranks? He may lose touch with the notion he needs to continually learn. Or he may believe there’s no one else he can learn from.

Man standing in front of a pink brick wall

Photo by Andre Hunter

This would be an unfortunate thought. There are plenty of ways to continue to grow yourself and your leadership ability. One of those is through asking great questions.

The Answer Is Through The Question

Do you remember when you were a child? You went around and asked everyone you met various questions. You may have asked:

  • What’s your favorite color?
  • Why’d you do that?
  • Who are you?

Learning While Leading

One of the greatest things about leading is that you don’t have to know all of the answers. You can discover the right answers through your time leading.

This is one of the reasons leaders don’t have to go through formal training. Leading is a learn on the job type of experience.

Male mechanic working on a vehicle

There are more times than not when a leader has to look at their current situation and realize their education didn’t give them an answer. Rather, their experience in the workplace or at home has given them insight into their issue.

Lead And Learn

Leaders are presented with new situations on a daily, if not hourly, basis. New problems and issues arise and it is up to you, the leader, to figure out the solution.

Formal education may lay the groundwork for the problem-solving matrix yet it only goes so far. When you’re presented with an issue that wasn’t covered in your MBA, what do you do?

Who Is On Your Team?

Changing the course of your life and making the new year your best one ever is tough as it is. Sometimes we make change even tougher than it has to be.

Why is that? It’s because we keep the wrong people on our teams. We believe we have to take everyone along for our transformational journies…

Team of climbers climbing mountain

Photo by Mathias Jensen

When you don’t have to. You can change up your team. You put some people on the bench, “trade” them, or bring new people onto the team.

But knowing who is on your team will do you well. You need to know who is on your team and what their positions are.

Who Is On Your Team?

Like a good sports team, you need to have certain key players. Baseball teams require you to have:

  • Pitcher
  • Catcher
  • First baseman
  • Second baseman