How Being Thankful Will Change Your Perspective On Life

You’ve been there. You’re getting ready to head into the office when your baby boy begins to scream his pretty little head off.

Ugh! You’ve had it. He knows how to pull your strings and get you to react. And you do.

Be thankful, change your life

Photo by Ben White

You turn around and walk back through the door. You pick little Billy up. All while telling him it’s going to be okay.

While you’re angry you had to go back into the house, you also realize something. You’re a father. You’re holding a beautiful baby in your hands. That baby, he’s yours!

Your level of thankfulness for your screaming boy may not be at its height when you have to deal with tantrums and outbursts. Yet when things calm down, your gratitude, your thankfulness begin to return. You realize just how lucky you are to have him in your life.

10 Ways You Can Acquire The Attitude Of Gratitude

The world is a pretty messed up place. We hear story after story of negative news.

Violence. Crime. Death. These fill the news headlines.

It’s easy to begin to wonder if there’s any happiness left in the world.

And I can say that YES, there is happiness left in the world. One way to obtain this happiness is to acquire the attitude of gratitude.

Learn to be grateful

Image by BK

The attitude of gratitude is a life changing principle we can all grasp onto. This principle is simple to implement yet hard to master.

Today, I want to help encourage you to become mindful of what you’re grateful for with these 10 ways to acquire gratitude.

1. Think on the past: At first, you’ll think this is crazy talk. The past is bad and filled with pain. I agree, there’s quite a bit of pain in the past. I know first hand from having to put my dog down.

The Power Of Gratitude

What would you say if I told you that you could have more happiness in your life? And all you had to do was make a simple, yet often difficult, change in your attitude?

I hope you’d jump at the chance to learn the secret. Well, today is your lucky day as I’m letting you in on this little secret.

Thank You

Image by Gisela Giardino

That secret is Learn To Be Grateful.

What does that mean? defines it as: warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received.

To break it down even further, it means to be thankful.

Express your gratitude to those around you. When your neighbor has come over and snowblown your driveway, go over and tell them how much you appreciated it. If a fellow shopper holds the door for you as you’re entering the store, say “thank you.” Or if an author has touched your life, send them a note telling them that.