How To Have More Energy Throughout Your Day

Leading is tough enough as it is without a lack of energy.

Dragging through your day and feeling worn out will make you an ineffective leader. You’ve got to have energy to lead well.

Halfway through your day, you may be feeling like the guy above. Crashed and burned.

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can feel energized throughout the day.

But how do you make sure you have enough energy to get through the day? That’s a tough question to answer but I’ve got a few tips on keeping your energy level up (or how to quickly boost it when feeling worn out).

Exercise early in the morning: Who would think expending a ton of energy would result in having more energy throughout the day? This idea never sounded right to me until I began to practice this ritual.

4 Reasons Leaders Should Get Out Of Bed Every Morning

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! The sound of your alarm clock rocks you out of your sound sleep. Your first thought is to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.

Lately, I’ve found myself doing this more often than I should. I’d rather stay in bed than get up and be productive in the mornings.

I know I shouldn’t, yet I do. Why? Because I’ve let myself get out of the valuable habit of rising early.

I’ve been working at reforming the habit of becoming an early riser. And I think it’s valuable to every leader to rise early and get out of bed.

Everyone can make excuses as to why they want to sleep in. Maybe it’s the fact you had a late night. Or you’re just not feeling well rested. Or it could be you don’t want to face the reality there’s a new day that’s ready to greet you.

It’s Time For A Leadership PEP Talk

In many schools you’ll find a pep squad. The goal of the pep squad is to raise the school spirit and make people proud of their school.

You may also have had pep talks growing up. Someone shares a few words of wisdom with you, hoping to raise your spirits.

I don’t know when your last pep talk was but I think it’s time for a leadership P.E.P. talk today.

Whoa. Did you see there was something a bit different with the P.E.P. talk I’m talking about? It looks like an acronym.

You’d be right in thinking this way. This P.E.P. talk is going to be a little different but I think it’s going to help you.

Today’s P.E.P. talk is going to be an encouragement to lead well. Maybe even lead better than ever before.

The Right Time To Visualize

Visualizing where we want to end up is a big part of leadership. We’ve got to have an idea of where we’re going.

When we visualize, it’s like painting a picture of the end. It’s beautiful and we know the way we want it to end.

Did you know though that you can visualize the end at the wrong time?

Sunset Vision at Kalalau Trail

Image by Paul Bica

Visualizing At The Wrong Time

There’s a right and a wrong time to visualize. The wrong time can kill your momentum.

You shouldn’t visualize the end victory while you’re in the middle of the work. It can cripple you. Taking away vital energy you need to complete the work.

Meb Keflezighi, an Olympic runner and the 2009 New York Marathon winner, discovered this the hard way. In his book, Run To Overcome, he describes an incident where he visualized his win only to fail miserably.