Why We Need Community

I’ve always believed that community is important. We must live and interact with others if we want to truly thrive.

The sad truth is, I haven’t lived this well recently.

Over the past year or so, my relationships with others have fallen by the wayside. Replaced with work or my inner thoughts.

It’s a struggle I’ve had and I’m not ashamed to admit.

Why Community?

Community is a powerful thing. Community is there to hold you up. Community is there to hold you accountable. Community is there to back you.

Something truly spectacular happens when we begin entering into relationships with those around us. We begin to experience who we truly are.

Desmond Tutu said:

A person is a person through other persons

Andy Snyder put community this way:

We need others to help us become ourselves

10 Leadership Lessons Learned From My Blog Commenters

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned from blogging and reading other people’s blogs, it’s that insight doesn’t come only from the author. Many times the comment section is full of wisdom and knowledge about leadership.

Image by Ian Mottoo

Image by Ian Muttoo

The community on this site is very active and it can be easy to miss some of the great content shared within the comments. Today, I want to take time and share 10 leadership lessons that commenters on the blog have shared in the comment section.

1. Self confidence is contagious to a team. Leaders must have confidence in their ability to lead (make decisions, delegate, correct, advise, teach, mentor, train, motivate, etc). Amazing things happen because of confidence. And, it’s easy to prove. Walk into a room full of people with your head up and your shoulders back. Walk in as if you are in charge and watch people sit up. It’s almost funny.
Charles Hutchinson

How A Healthy Community Can Help Your Potential Explode

Too often we think of ourselves as ineffective and weak. We cannot change the world. Or so we think.

So we go about our ordinary, everyday lives. Waiting for that moment of greatness.

I’ve got news for you and me. Our moment of greatness will not come from sitting on the couch, by ourselves, twiddling our thumbs.

It just won’t. We weren’t created for individual greatness. We were created for community. We were created to feed off of each other. We were created to be great together.

This is first shown in the Bible with Adam and Eve. They were created for each other. To rule over the land.

We’re also shown this in Genesis 11:5-8.

Here we find the story of the tower of Babel.