4 Reasons Leaders Need To Slow Down

Do you feel like you never have enough time? By the time you solve one business problem, another issue raises its ugly head. You never have enough time to slow down.

You may feel like you have to run around like the Flash from the Justice League. Rushing from one emergency to the other. Always taking on more and having less time to slow down.

Red and blue lines creating image blur

Photo by Fabio Ballasina

Slowing down may make you feel like a sloth. Just trudging along and never getting anywhere. You may believe slowing down will hinder your ability to lead. But that’s what I want to encourage you to do today. I want you to take a moment, take a deep breath, and slow down.

5 Reasons Why Simple Leadership Rocks

I think we’ve been sold a lie. That leadership has to be difficult and complicated. But a recent blog post about unconventional ways to lead brought out that many leaders have learned the truth.

Simple leadership rocks and more leaders need to hop onto the train.

While I’m a fan of simple leadership, it got me thinking about the reason why. I believe it deserves a deeper look.

After thinking through the reasons why our leadership needs to be simple, I came up with 5 reasons to lead with simplicity.

1. Simple leadership allows for clear communication: When leaders are leading with simplicity, they’re much more apt to speak and communicate with a simpler message. This allows the leader to give directions in ways their team members will understand. It also helps prevent misunderstandings.