Just Some Benefits of Leading by Example

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In a professional context – and in just about every other context, too – it’s safe to say that good and effective leadership is one of the fundamentals that can have some of the greatest and most meaningful possible impact with regards to things like the ability of a business to succeed, and the motivation of that business’s employees.

While there are always many technical things to get right in a professional context, such as using the best SMS api, there’s a good argument to be made that leading by example can end up making all the difference, in a way that little else can.

Here are just a few of the benefits of leading by example in a professional context.

It will help to develop camaraderie rather than division

A business team that has a high degree of camaraderie is going to operate more smoothly, while maintaining better interpersonal dynamics within the office, and will tend to be significantly more effective at whatever it is they do, as well.

A high degree of camaraderie in your business is also likely to lead to other positive side-effects, such as a higher employee retention rate over time.

When you lead by setting a positive example, rather than by ordering people around and essentially “leading from the rear,” you will be contributing indirectly to a heightened degree of camaraderie within the business.

On the other hand, when you don’t lead by example but instead boss people around and seem to act arbitrarily, while not exemplifying what it is you are preaching, you will tend to generate division and frustration within the business, instead.

It causes you to maintain “skin in the game” and can reduce reckless decision making

The idea of “skin in the game” is at the heart of good leadership in all sorts of different ways, and the author Nassim Nicholas Taleb, in his book “Skin in the Game,” argues that it is also one of the most essential dynamics when it comes to reducing reckless decision-making and undesirable outcomes.

Leading by example automatically puts you in a position where you have skin in the game, because it makes you an active participant in what’s going on, and not just a detached overseer who has the luxury of remaining aloof from things and avoiding direct consequences.

It can foster a culture of accountability and responsibility within the business

Fostering a culture of accountability within a business can be a remarkably positive thing with all sorts of beneficial implications, and this more or less inevitably starts with the leadership within the company accepting accountability, and setting a positive example by doing so.

If, on the other hand, the leadership of the company makes a habit of passing the buck and shifting responsibility to others, this will more or less invariably influence the company culture downstream, and lead to the same behaviour among employees by and large.

Leading by example, then, can significantly improve company culture, and can generate much more accountability and responsibility by and large.

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