How To Give More To Your Family

Your family deserves more

Leadership is a delicate balance. You have your work life. Then you have your home life. And everything in-between.

Too often these lives get out of balance. Sadly, our family life is the facet of our lives that suffers.

Your family deserves more. Give it to them

You put in the long hours at the office. You trudge through the week. And then, when you get home, all you want to do is kick back and relax.

But that’s not what your wife needs. It’s also not what your children need.

Your family needs you.

How To Give More To Your Family

Research shows a majority of people will rate their family as their top priority in life. Next to their faith.

However, you know that no matter how much you want to love your family, you’re not giving them all your all. You’re worn out and you’re giving them your sloppy seconds.

The good news is: You can give more to your family. To do so, you need to be intentional.

Find their love language:

Before Pamela and I got married, we read a great book called The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. In this marriage book, he describes the love languages he has observed people showing.

These love languages break down into five categories –

  1.  Words Of Affirmation
  2. Quality Time (My second language)
  3. Receiving Gifts
  4. Acts Of Service
  5. Physical Touch (My first language, for those of you wondering)

When you begin to pay attention to how your spouse and children feel love, you can begin to commit acts which speak to their love language. You can show them love in the way they understand.

As you begin to show your love in ways they understand, their love tanks begin to fill. And then they begin to reciprocate in your love language. It’s a win-win.

Set work boundaries:

One way you get out of whack with your family is by letting your work-life rule your day. Yes, you may have to go in and do an 8-5 grind.

This doesn’t mean you have to let work rule your life. Give your best at work. Go above and beyond. But remember who you have at home.

A loving son. Your dotting wife. You have a family waiting for you back home.

Set boundaries where you’ll be home by 6PM every night. Commit to shutting off communications to work by setting a do-not-disturb mode on your phone.

By setting boundaries, you’re telling your family they are important. They have your attention. And you’re there for them.

Get away:

One thing Pamela and I have committed to doing is to get away together every July. We head up to the beautiful Upper Pennisula of Michigan and spend a couple of days camping along Lake Huron.

This helps us to connect with each other and get away from the daily grind. We’re able to kick back and read a book or go shopping or ride our bikes.

Getting away is one of the best things you can do for your family.

Your family deserves more than a worn out and grouchy you. They deserve the best of you.

Don’t deny your family this necessity. Make a commitment to be better.

Question: What are you doing to give your family more? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.


If you’d like to up the wins you’re having with your family, consider joining the free Ziglar 7-Day Family Challenge. The 7-Day Family Challenge will help you and your family have wins for 7 days straight.

The challenge will help you jump start what you know you need to do. You’ll be challenged by

Dr. Gary Chapman (relationships)
Michael & Gail Hyatt (communication)
Dr. Josh Axe (physical health)
Tony Dungy (work/life balance)
Brian Buffini (community)
Dave Ramsey (finances)
and Zig Ziglar’s own children – Cindy, Julie, and Tom (spirituality/faith).

Each day you’ll view a short video where these fantastic leaders will challenge you and your family to win big for the day. I’ve already viewed the first day with Dr. Gary Chapman and it sparked such a conversation with Pamela and I. You can miss this opportunity to win with your family.

You can join the free 7-day challenge by clicking here. Monday, after watching Dr. Chapman’s video, send me an email and let me know what your love language is.

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