I recently had a conversation with a coworker about confidence. We came to an ironic conclusion.
Everyone is portraying themselves as confident. They have what it takes to get the job done. They are the ones you need to call if you need something done.
But is this really the case? Are people really confident?
I don’t believe they are. I know I’m not. Yet I can come across as confident.
There’s this facade we all put up to protect ourselves from the outward gazes of those looking at us. The facade is hurting us.
I’m Not Confident, No Really… I’m Not
When I look at the daily changes I have to face in my career, in my home, with my friends, I begin to quake. I don’t know if I have what it takes to take care of my job, my home, my family, and my friends. But I put up a front.
I let people think I have everything all together. I pretend I know what I’m doing and where I’m going.
The truth is I’m scared. I’m worried I don’t have what it takes.
Yet I’m able to get things done. Even though I’m scared and lack the confidence I feel I need, I know I can move forward.
You’re Probably Not As Confident As You Think Either
Are you like me? Do you fear you don’t have what it takes to be successful?
You’re in good company if you aren’t super confident. In fact, I’d say you’re in the majority of people in the world.
So many people lack confidence. They aren’t sure if today will be the day they break or if they will be able to make it another day.
That’s okay. You’re human. You’re not meant to have it all together.
What To Do With Your Lack Of Confidence
If you lack confidence, I want to reaffirm you today. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.
You don’t have to walk in complete confidence of yourself. What you need to do is walk in the confidence you’re going to get through this.
You’re going to make the sale. You’re going to get the girl. Or you’re going to have a great family.
Know where you’re going. Know why you’re going there. And know you can get there even if you don’t fully believe in yourself.
It sounds crazy but it works.
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