Listen closely. Can you hear the rattle? There’s a slight tick and click and rattle going on in your life.
I’m sure of it. There is in mine. There’s always something that’s clamoring for my attention.
Too often I push away the noise. Thinking it’ll go away.
How wrong I am.
Whenever I hear the rattle in my life, I begin to think about the vehicles I’ve owned. To say I’ve been rough on them would be an understatement.
I’m one of those guys who puts off car maintenance until it’s in dire need of repair.
Most recently it’s been with my trusty Ford Ranger. He’s a mini truck but he’s been faithful transportation.
Lately there was a small rattle or odd noise when I’d drive the truck. Especially when I’d exit a driveway with a dip. I thought it was no big deal.
Until I looked in the bed of the truck.
Imagine my horror when I saw the bed cover bulging almost a foot from where it should be. It looked ugly! It was also dangerous. Left unfixed, this problem could lead to an accident.
So, what happened?
Due to the salt we use on our Michigan roads, the truck began to rust. Eventually, the rust weakened the bed of the truck until the helper spring pushed through and created a gaping hole.
As you can probably guess, this isn’t a good thing. The truck now looks like a low-rider, makes rattling and creaking noises, and the smooth ride is gone.
If only I’d paid attention to the rattle. The warning signs. My issue wouldn’t have grown to such proportions.
Our lives have rattles. There’s little things that tell us we’re off course or we’re headed for disaster.
And, like I did with my Ford Ranger, it’s easy to ignore the warning signs. Just brush them away and they’ll be gone.
The only problem is brushing away the rattle creates bigger issues. Something that could have been a simple fix becomes a laborious repair project. We’ve got to invest more time, energy, and money into something we could have taken care of before.
Don’t neglect the rattling in your life.
Your issues are creating noise for a reason. They’re crying out for help. For you to fix the problem.
When you hear a rattle in your life, look for the root cause of the problem. Discover what’s going wrong. And work towards fixing the issue today.
Fixing the rattle releases a lot of the stress you willingly, but unknowingly, put on yourself. Start investigating what’s rattling today!
Question: What are you putting off that needs fixing in your life? How can you take action to solve the problem today? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.