Leadership Resource: NeuYear Calendar

As a leader, your life is probably pretty busy. You’ve got meetings multiple times a week, conferences, and outside activities.

Keeping track of this can be difficult. I know it has been for me.

NeuYear Calendar

Today, I’d like to introduce you to a great leadership resource I’ve discovered called the NeuYear Calendar. The calendar retails for $30 but NeuYear was kind enough to provide me with a special discount code to save you 30%. Read to the end of the post to discover how you can claim this exclusive discount.

What I Like About The NeuYear Calendar

The NeuYear calendar is laid out so you can see the whole year at a glance. This makes planning easier as you can see your whole year as you’re writing in key dates and times. There’s no having to flip through a paged calendar and backtrack to insure you’re not duplicating events over multiple months.

Why You Must Ask

Many people are self starters. They’re ready to pick up a task and get it done. You love them.

Then there are those that never start. They never seem to do anything.

There’s a simple action that needs to happen.

Question Mark Graffiti

Image by Balil Kamoon

You must ASK them to do a task.

Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don’t go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won’t laugh at you.
— Jim Rohn

It’s not that they don’t want to be productive or to start a product. Many times it’s they don’t know the task is important. So they let it linger.

Rosario Dawson and Maria Teresa Kumar of Voto Latino learned this lesson. Their mission is to get Latinos excited to vote.

The creativity of children

Have you ever noticed how creative children can be? Give them a set of characters and a setting. Their imagination runs wild.

You may get an epic space battle, wild animals in the city, or a cops and robbers story.

New Star Wars characters

Star Wars characters created by a child

The above drawing was created by one of my friend’s children. He loves Star Wars and knows that I do as well. So as a birthday present, he created three new characters.

It blew me away. He is only eight but has such an imagination.

This makes me wonder whatever happened to the creativity I had as a child.

I know I had a much more active imagination when I was younger. There were days of GI Joe battles, sticks becoming guns, or my backyard becoming a place of adventure.

Have you wandered far from those days? Has your creativity waned?

The Power Of Goals

Image: mack2happy / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This year has been a crazy year in my house.

I started to blog, my wife quit her job, and we have taken on new responsibilities at our church.

To say this year has been hectic would be an understatement.

I can not wait to see what the new year brings.

Yet I already know some of the things that it will bring. That is because I have set specific goals for my life this year.

Here are a few of my goals for the new year:

  • Blog at least three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday
  • Write a non-fiction book
  • Run a 10K with the possibility of a 15K
  • Participate in a mud run
  • Ice climb
  • Walk with my wife daily
  • Complete 4 books with my wife
  • Read 24 books

A Walk In The Woods

I have been doing quite a bit of walking with my wife lately. The walks usually involve walking through our neighborhood in the city. It has been a great time of bonding with my wife.

However, I must say, there is something different about walking through the woods alone. Near my workplace there is a beautiful park/nature preserve called Hofma Preserve and Hofma Park. It offers miles of trails and peacefulness.

During a recent lunch break, I made the decision to go for a walk instead of reading a book or listening to a podcast.

When I go for a walk  I usually fire up the phone and listen to a podcast. This was not the day for that. It was a day to take in nature and the beauty of our world. It was amazing how much refreshment this walk brought to my day.