Balancing Work, Family, And Faith: 4 Ways To Set Priorities

If you’ve been a leader for any amount of time, you know that your time is a critical asset. People are reaching out, trying to get you to solve a problem, and then there are your family and friends. There’s always something happening.

Work-life balance seems unattainable. It’s this mythic beast that roams around that you just cannot tame.

Or so it feels…

You can tame the work-life balance beast. It’s not a unicorn. It’s something that can and must, be done.

The Challenge

The challenge of balancing work, family, and faith is a real one. You want to do your best at your workplace. You want to do the best job raising your family and caring for your spouse. And, I hope, you want to be a good member of your local church.

The Role Of Rest And Renewal In Personal Development

If there’s one thing I believe more than anything about leadership other than we can’t do leadership alone is that leaders need to find rest. Rest is critical to your personal development, even if it seems counterintuitive. 

The Role Of Rest And Renewal In Personal Development

There are multiple reasons why rest is essential in your personal development. Rest does the following:

  • Recharges our minds
  • Recharges our bodies
  • Gives us clarity
  • Allows us to process our day
  • Helps us to process our situations

As you can see, rest isn’t something we choose to do. Rest is something we must do. But we struggle with rest because we’re told to hustle all day, every day. That’s terrible advice. We have to find ways to slip rest into our days.

But how do we make rest important? How do we get rest in our days?

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: 6 Ways To Lead With Confidence

You’re a fraud. You don’t deserve the promotion you were just given. You can’t get the job done. You’re not like the rest of the leaders in the organization.

These thoughts run through the mind of hundreds of thousands of leaders every day. Imposter syndrome rings loud in their ears.

Maybe imposter syndrome is telling you the same lies.

Imposter syndrome is the doubting of your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It’s the feeling that you’re not good enough, qualified enough, or talented enough to lead.

We’re going to smack imposter syndrome in the face today. We’re going to look at how to overcome imposter syndrome so you can lead with confidence.

How To Identify Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is easy to identify. If you see any of the following in yourself, you may have imposter syndrome:

8 Time Management Strategies To Improve Productivity

Time management is important. When we fail to manage our time, we let priorities that are not our own invade our lives.

That’s why you have to take control of your time. You have to manage it well. Just like your money, you have to tell your time where it will go.

Do you want to feel like you’ve got control of your time again? Do you want to get more things done in less time? Then it’s time to kick those poor time management habits to the curb.

Black laptop sitting on a wooden desk.

Photo by Remy_Loz on Unsplash

8 Time Management Strategies To Improve Productivity

1. Calendarize your priorities:

If we don’t know our priorities, anything could be a priority. This is why you have to decide what’s a priority and what’s not. Once you’ve decided on your priorities, schedule them. You can schedule everything from regular workout routines to date nights with your spouse to personal development.

5 Ways To Set And Achieve Goals

Goals are a desired outcome in the future one might want. This could be getting married, a desired salary, or leading the company to the Fortune 100.

We make things happen when we have goals. They communicate to us where were want to go. The goals we have shouldn’t be vague. Goals need to be concrete (though changeable) and specific.

You don’t want to set a goal of “lose weight.” You can’t track it and you don’t know when you reach the desired outcome. 

In this article, we will look at 5 ways to set and achieve goals. These suggestions will help you actually achieve what you desire.

5 Ways To Set And Achieve Goals

Setting and achieving goals doesn’t have to be complicated. You only have to be intentional when setting them. But how do you set goals?