Learning From Local Leaders

With the advent of the internet, it’s never been easier to connect with big-name leaders. Guys like Michael Hyatt, Jeff Goins, or Guy Kawasaki are a website away.

But with this in mind, don’t forget about your local leaders. Those doing wonderful things in your local community. There are just as many great leaders in your town as there are in any other.

The great thing about these leaders? You can normally sit down and converse with them in person. I won’t lie, there’s nothing like connecting in person.

Sometimes I forget how many great leaders there are locally too. So don’t worry if you have this problem. It happens, especially with all the glitz and glamor you see associated with the big names.

That’s why I was excited to see the Muskegon Chamber of Commerce honor 15 young and upcoming leaders in my city with the new Future 15 award.

Leadership Insights: Interview With Author Kimanzi Constable

Are you ready for another installment of Leadership Insights? I recently had the great pleasure of attending the book release party for Kimanzi Constable. His first traditionally published book was released and he had a great party to celebrate.

Kimanzi Constable With Living Or Existing

Kimanzi shares in his new book, Are You Living Or Existing?, how you can take your life from existing to living in 9 steps. They’re not easy but they’re well worth the effort. He can tell you from first hand experience.

He’s gone from working in a job he hated, being unhappy, and wishing for something better to international speaker, selling over 80,000 copies of his books, and quit the job he hated.

This man knows what it takes to move forward in life and lead a living life.

Read the interview and then see how you can receive over $100 in bonuses when you buy his book.

Leadership Insights: Interview With Matt Appling Author Of Life After Art

Matt Appling HeadshotIt’s my pleasure to introduce you to Matt Appling today. He’s the author of the newly released book Life After Art (This is an affiliate link. If you click and buy from it, I get a small commission. In fact, Life After Art released today! Matt shares his heart and how he feels leadership and art can intersect.

When you purchase Life After Art, Matt and his publisher have decided to give away three great resources to help the book sink in even more. You’ll receive the Life After Art deluxe e-book, the Life After Art Field Guide, and The Art of Storytelling! To receive the free bonuses, all you have to do is email your receipt to [email protected].

Matt has also been gracious enough to offer a copy of Life After Art to one lucky blog reader. Read on to discover how you can win a copy of the book.

Leadership Insights: Interview With John G. Miller of QBQ!


Welcome to another edition of Leadership Insights where I share interviews I have done with other leaders.

Recently, I interviewed John G. Miller, the founder of QBQ! Inc, author of the book QBQ! The Question Behind The Question: Practicing Personal Accountability At Work And In Life (This is an affiliate link. If you click on it and purchase an item, I get a small commission), and professional speaker. If you couldn’t tell by the title of his book, John preaches and lives personal responsibility.

John took valuable time out of his day to answer my questions and the questions of a few readers. Reading through his answers, I was excited to share his insights with you. I hope you’ll enjoy reading the interview as much as I had conducting it.

Q1: Your book, QBQ! The Question Behind The Question, is all about personal accountability. How does the concept of personal accountability relate to the role of a leader?

Leadership Insights: Interview With Brad Lomenick

Recently, I had the pleasure of connecting with Brad Lomenick. He’s the Grand Poobah, as his podcast partner Ken Coleman calls him, of the Catalyst Leadership Conference.

Brad Lomenick Headshot

Brad’s work has included 5 years at Life@Work Magazine and management consulting with Cornerstone Group. He’s also ridden horses for a living in Colorado. This man has a wide berth of experience. He’s also the author of the soon to be released book The Catalyst Leader.

I hope you’re ready to go deep. Brad really brought it during this interview.

Q1: Brad, could you please share a little about the work Catalyst does and your role with the company?

BL: Catalyst gathers Christian leaders to inspire and equip them to truly be Catalysts in their communities. My role is to lead the organization and provide strategy, vision, brand development, and programming oversight.