Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Creed III

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

The latest installment in the Rocky/Creed film series has hit the theaters, and it’s a wild ride through Adonis Creed’s (Michael B. Jordan) past and future. In Creed 3, Adonis has retired from boxing when his friend from childhood returns. However, when Damian Anderson (Jonathan Majors) returns, he has a big chip on his shoulder. Adonis has to step up to the challenge of boxing his former friend and bringing him back from the brink of ruin.

A young Damian (Spence Moore II) had taken the fall when a young Adonis (Thaddeus J. Mixson) attacked Leon (Aaron D. Alexander), a person who had terrorized Adonis at the juvenile detention center he was in. Adonis attacked Leon at a convenience store. When Leon’s friends (Brian Neal and Corey Hibbert) jumped in, Adonis was in trouble. That’s when Damian pulled a gun to protect his friend. The police showed up, saw Damian’s gun, and arrested him while Adonis ran and escaped.

Top Signs that it is Time for you to Change Jobs

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

If you have been in your current job for quite some time, then you may have noticed that your motivation is dwindling. You may feel as though you aren’t challenged enough or that you are simply not moving in the direction that you want to. Either way, if you want to know if now is the time for you to make a change or not then the only thing you have to do is take a look below.

You Feel Tired and Stressed

4 Sayings Leaders Need To Stop Saying

The things that we say as leaders can either build up our people or tear them down. Sometimes, we think what we’re saying is uplifting when the saying is actually damaging.

Our words matter. They can matter more than our actions. Our words are that powerful.

4 Sayings Leaders Need To Stop Saying

We get caught in a rut of saying specific phrases or words we’re accustomed to. They’ve begun to become part of our lexicology.

But, our words often become outdated, transformed, or harmful. All of these things happen in the leadership world, too.

The sayings we’ve used for years are no longer appropriate. The terms hurt those we lead. We’ve got to do better.

Here are 4 sayings leaders need to stop saying…

The Art of Strategic Planning: A Guide to Creating Your Business’s Path Forward

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

No one knows for certain what the future holds, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan for it. Strategic planning is a critical aspect of business management, and if done correctly, can help your company stay ahead of the competition and maintain a successful trajectory. In this article, we will discuss the basics of strategic planning and provide tips for creating a roadmap for your business’s future.

A hand holding a white chess piece. Uses the white piece to knock over the black chess piece

Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

Assess the Current Situation

The first step in creating a strategic plan is to assess the current state of your business. This involves taking stock of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). By conducting a thorough assessment of your company, you can identify areas for improvement or growth that can be addressed through strategic planning. For example, you may discover that a certain product line is not selling well and needs to be discontinued.

How Fake It Till You Make It Can Go Bad

Over time, our opinions change on specific topics. I’ve recently begun to question the idea of Fake It Till You Make It.

What is Fake It Till You Make It? This is the idea that you can do things you’re not qualified, skilled, or talented enough in by telling yourself you can. Whether that’s through artificial confidence or unknown competence.

I’ve used this technique multiple times. But I’ve begun to see the downside of faking it until I (or you) make it.

How Fake It Till You Make It Can Go Bad

I’ve faked my way through a lot of things in life. Whether it was giving myself an unwarranted bump in my handyman skills or how well I write, faking my way through has eventually made me progress further than I would have without trying.