13 Ways Being the Example in Management will Encourage Better Leadership

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.
Woman with pink hair sitting in office chair

Female manager and leader at work – Image Courtesy of PixabayFemale manager and leader at work – Image Courtesy of Pixabay

As a manager, you are in a unique position to be a leader. Yet not all managers possess great leadership skills. And team members may be naturally gifted. However, you can teach yourself and your team and learn from them to be the example in management to encourage better leadership in those underneath you. Common sense and general knowledge apply. But there’s a deeper level of trust, morality, and respect in leadership over general management.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Marry Me

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

Marry Me is a newer rom-com starring Jennifer Lopez as music superstar Kat Valdez. She’s on a roll. It looks like she will go even further with the extravagant wedding to fellow singer Bastian (Maluma).

Everything changes in a heartbeat for the superstar. As she’s on stage to be married, she discovers Bastian has been cheating on her with her assistant.

Owen Wilson and Jennifer Lopez in Marry Me movie

The news of her fiance cheating gives her a brief breakdown where she looks out upon the crowd, sees Charlie Gilbert (Owen Wilson) holding a Marry Me sign, and tells Charlie “yes.”

From there, the comedy ensues. It’s also a touching story of second (or third and fourth) chances. It’s also full of leadership lessons.

Train, Train, Train

As I’m continuing to make my running comeback after COVID-19, the importance of training and training has been at the forefront of my mind.

COVID took me down as I saw growth in my running. My personal record for the half marathon happened days before I could not move for days. It took months before I felt confident to move my body as I had previously.

As I did, I began to realize that I had lost the progress I had made. I could no longer run an 8-minute mile (I know, some of you will say that’s not fast but it was fast for me). I struggled to run continuously.

Why did this happen? Part of my regression was due to COVID. The other part of the regression has come from a lack of training. It took me almost 3 months before I began to regularly train my body to run again.

The Ultimate Guide To Help You Become A Brilliant Boss

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Becoming a brilliant boss can totally transform your company and the profits that it is able to attract, as you will have the skills required to lead your team in the direction of ultimate success in every way. Fortunately, figuring out exactly how you can become the most amazing boss ever doesn’t need to be as tricky or as time-consuming as you might initially imagine, as there are number of innovative ideas and creative methods that you can explore to start developing the skills and attitude that is required to become an excellent manager whose staff see them as the strongest leader around! This guide contains a whole host of different tips, tricks, and recommendations that you can make the most of to transform your skillset and become the brilliant boss you’ve always wanted to be, so if you’re ready to put in the work, then simply read on to discover more about how you can get started today. 

5 Tips For Leading Through Trials

If you work in the professional world, you will face trials during your working life. If you’re fortunate, those trials will be short-lived, and you won’t have to deal with them more than once. If you’re unlucky, you’ll face one trial after another, and you will need to learn how to lead through those trials effectively.

Too often, we will repeat the same mistakes that made the trials arise in the first place. We need to overcome these mistakes. More importantly, we need to get through the trials so we can resolve the main issue.

Today, we will look at 5 tips to help you lead effectively through any trial.

5 Tips For Leading Through Trials

1. Be mentally tough:

Want to make it through the trials of leadership? You will have to be mentally tough.