5 Books Leaders Should Read In April 2022

Books are an essential part of growing and stretching ourselves as leaders. Whether we use audiobooks, physical books, or ebooks, reading will help us become better leaders.

That’s why every month I share with you 5 book recommendations. These books are books I’ve read, are friends with the author, or have seen highly recommended.

This month, there are a lot of great books on the list. Check them out. The knowledge within them will help you become a better leader.

5 Books Leaders Should Read In April 2022

1. Reach by Becky Robinson:

I’ve known Becky for a long time now. She runs a great business called Weaving Influence. There, she helps authors promote their books.

I was beyond the moon when I saw that she was writing her own book. I was honored to receive a pre-release copy of the book.

4 Ways to Grow as a Leader

While some people are naturally attracted to leadership roles, anyone can develop their ability to articulate their vision and inspire others to take action. Just as organizations grow and adapt, leaders must also be willing to rise to the occasion and challenge themselves.

Stagnant leadership can be the downfall of an organization. For this reason, open-mindedness and a desire to learn are two of the most important traits in a leader. 

Individuals seeking professional and personal growth can engage in any of the following activities to expand their leadership skills.

Join a Mastermind

Great leaders strive to never be the most accomplished or intelligent people in the room. Mastermind groups exist to bring ambitious individuals together to work towards their goals. Members may be from diverse or similar industries, but all participants have achieved high levels of success and are looking to advance to the next step.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The Lost City

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

The Lost City is surprising audiences. I wasn’t sure what to expect when Pamela and I went to the Cinema Carousel to watch the movie.

It looked interesting with Sandra Bullock as Loretta and Channing Tatum as Alan (and Dash the cover model). The movie excelled at the laughs. Our theater couldn’t withhold their laughter. The humor was the best part of the movie.

What is the premise of The Lost City? Loretta is a romance novel writer. She inserts herself as a character, Angela. Alan is a goofy male cover model (think Fabio), which Loretta’s character Dash is based on.

Channing Tatum and Sandra Bullock in The Lost City

Loretta is kidnapped after attending a book launch party (should I be scared for mine?!?). Alan sees the kidnapping. He decides he will be a hero in real life by attempting to rescue Loretta.

How To Stay Positive

In studying leadership, one of the most effective traits of a leader that I’ve seen repeated again and again is the ability to stay positive. We’re not talking Poylanna positivity or pie in the sky. We’re talking honest-to-goodness positivity that’s rooted in reality.

When the leader is positive, the people will follow. It may take some time as the people may not understand why the leader is positive. They may think it is all a ruse until the leader proves it.

When we come to the office with a positive attitude, the whole organization benefits. But, and it is a big but, how do we stay positive when things are going wrong all around us?

Today, you’re going to hear how to stay positive in times of trouble.

Granting Your Small Start-up Every Chance Of Success

This is a contributed article. See our Guest Posting guidelines to learn more about contributed content.

Start-ups have become more and more common in recent years, thanks to the ability for businesses to be formed via online utilities. Now, unlike any other time in history, two people who may not have even met in person can come together, show a partnership, develop a small brand of worth, and develop that as necessary. Furthermore, as work from home measures became standardized during the international pandemic that remains ongoing, more and more people have started to see that not all small businesses need the deep in-person infrastructure they’ve been using thus far.

For this reason, learning how to grant your small start-up every chance of success is less an effort of just trying to cheat-sheet our way to relevance as a small firm, but a realization that with proper effort, the tools we leverage can help us compete with even larger businesses than we may expect. It’s this approach that can help us remain ambitious.