What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

There are times when we struggle to figure out what to do next. How do you put one foot in front of the other when you can’t even take the next step? That’s life sometimes.

We are hit with unexpected life circumstances. Your spouse decides to leave you. A child (or dog) dies. You get laid off.

Confused man sitting on the couch not knowing what to do

Photo by Nik Shuliaahin

These life circumstances make your next decision difficult. How do you continue forward after such a blow?

Life Isn’t Rosy

You’ve been hit by a bad life circumstance. Maybe you’ve experienced one of the ones I’ve already mentioned. Maybe you’ve encountered a life circumstance worse than one of those.

Whatever situation you’re currently in, it might not be so rosy. You may feel like God has abandoned you. Or your friends and family have turned their back on you.

5 Gift Ideas For Leaders This Christmas Season

Whether you’re giving a gift to a leader above you or you’ve been asked what kind of gift you want to receive, thinking of the perfect gift can be difficult. I know I stumble over it whenever I’m asked, whether it is from a family member, friend, or coworker.

Gift-giving is difficult. When you give a gift, it should be thoughtful. You should tailor the gift to the receiver (just ask my wife).

Wrapped gifts

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

I’m not the best at that. I would rather grab a gift card off of the shelves of Meijer than try to figure out the best gift. I’m just that way.

However, what would happen if we began to think about the gifts we give? You would blow the receiver of the gift away!

Today, I want to share five gift ideas for leaders for Christmas. This can be a starting point or the finish line.

3 Smart Tips to Help You Protect and Secure Your Business

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

If you own a business, then you have to do everything you can to protect that asset. Many small business owners and leaders tend to overlook this aspect of their business. 

As far as they are concerned, they feel that, as long as they have the business and are running it, securing their business from “sharks” is not something that should happen. Yet time and again, we’ve seen co-founders, VCs, and boards take over a startup just because the founder or owner didn’t do the necessary. 

In fact, it happened to the late Steve Jobs who was forced out of his own company in 1985 by the board. So whatever you do in business, don’t assume anything. Secure your rights and ownership from the beginning. This way, you won’t be blindsided if there’s ever an attempt at a hostile takeover. 

How to be the Leader of Your Own Life

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.
Colorful game pieces

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

When we think of leadership, it is usually in a professional context focusing on how we lead organizations, departments, and teams. But, how do we lead other areas of our life, community, health, and well-being? Are we taking charge of them, or are we going with the flow? Unfortunately, no one gets a handbook complete with all the rules and tips to memorize and utilize, and, unquestionably, everyone is different. However, here are some essential tips on how to be the leader of your own life. 

3 Great Ways Employers Can Take Care Of Their Staff Post-Covid

This is a contributed post to JMLalonde.com. For more information on contributing a post, please see our contributing policies.

Although, offices are opening up and people are going back to work in the office, work in the post-covid world has changed. If the reaction to the new Omicron variant is anything to go by, we can expect to keep seeing frequent precision lockdown strategies implemented across the globe for the foreseeable future–at least, until there’s a permanent cure. 

Why This is Important

Even with a fully vaccinated staff roll, chances are that most companies will have to adopt a hybrid work model that allows employees come into the office a few times a week and work from home when necessary.