Newsletters, Or The Art Of Story Telling

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Newsletters are a powerful part of your marketing kit. Indeed, the idea that newsletters are ineffective or too old-fashioned to perform is inaccurate. A newsletter is, by definition, a collection of thoughts and news that you share with your audience. It is a continuation of the ancient art of storytelling around a campfire as our ancestors used to do. Nowadays, the campfire has been replaced by a mailbox, and the storyteller is called a content manager. Yet, the story still exists and lives because people crave a good story. As such, adjusting your newsletter to meet your audience’s expectations can make a huge difference in opening and click-through rates. 

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The New Mutants

A Reel Leadership Article

The long-delayed X-Men spin-off movie, New Mutants saw it’s release on the weekend of August 28th, 2020. This is almost 3 years after it was originally scheduled to premiere.

The thirteenth and final film in the X-Men movies series, The New Mutants introduces some of the scarier side of mutants. Even though 20th Century Fox was bought out by The Walt Disney Company, The New Mutants was still released under that banner.

Cast of the New Mutants movie

The New Mutants sees the following mutants get some big screen time:

  • Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane (Maisie Williams)
  • Illyana Rasputin/Magik (Anya Taylor-Joy)
  • Sam Guthrie/Cannonball (Charlie Heaton)
  • Danielle Moonstar/Psyche/Mirage (Blu Hunt)
  • Roberto da Costa/Sunspot (Henry Zaga)

These mutants are quite a bit different than the X-Men you know and love. They’re disrespectful, arrogant, and scary.

How to Set Reasonable Goals for Your Business

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Setting reasonable and achievable goals for your own business is a difficult challenge to battle. Learning about your business’ possibilities and probabilities in an uncertain climate makes creating a roadmap increasingly tough. Disciplining yourself and/or employees to hit targets is easier in some circumstances than others, and the crux of this comes from your realization of what is achievable. Constantly failing to meet targets is going to look bad on the business’ reputation and damage the morale of those creating the targets themselves.

Being self-employed instigates regulation. Marking out your own hours, networking with like-minded individuals, and understanding what achievements can be made under your personal circumstances. Knowing what you want to achieve and what is achievable don’t have to be two separate entities, but they usually are. ‘Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?’ doesn’t have to be a feared question. Answering that question with assurance and confidence may be your ticket to fulfilling those very goals.  Below are just a few ways in which you can set reasonable goals for your business:

How to Succeed as an Online Entrepreneur

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Business is booming! Online at least, and with so many people losing income due to the pandemic, there’s never been a better time to experiment with your passion project to see it’s workable as a future business. Add to this the fact that only 22.5% of startup businesses are failing in their first year at the moment, and you have the perfect environment for budding entrepreneurs. But don’t get carried away. Becoming a successful online entrepreneur takes time, commitment, and dedication. Read the tips below to keep you on track. 

Be A Good Example

Do you ever look at your team and wonder “How can I encourage these people to be better team members? What will make them work harder, smarter, better? Why can’t I have great people on my team?”

Of course not. I never say that. Neither do you…

Man carrying a brown briefcase

Photo by Marten Bjork

If we’re lying to ourselves.

It is easy to slip into the thoughts in the first paragraph of this article. We can easily look at those we lead and wonder why they’re not producing the results we (and they) desire.

The truth is that you, the leader, are not providing the example your team needs. I know, it may sound harsh for me to say this but it is something we all need to hear.

As a leader, you set the example. Your team is looking at you. What they’re seeing is what they’re emulating. They’re looking for a leader. Someone to show them the way.