Dealing With Disputes Biblically With Josh Andrews

The Answers From Leadership Episode 11

Today’s podcast guest is Josh Andrews. Josh is a business lawyer who helps small business owners and entrepreneurs develop a clear legal plan to protect their business as it grows. He podcasts, blogs, and spends his time giving entrepreneurs a clear path to legal protection.

With that, I’m excited to share with you Josh’s insights into handling disputes biblically as a leader. This episode is good. Real good.

How to handle disputes Biblically

Show Notes:

What else do you want us to know about you?

He’s a child of God. A husband. A father of 4. He’s spent the last 12 years learning how to become a leader in his field as a lawyer and at home.

He’s a lawyer but not the blood-sucking kind. He knew the choice of a lawyer wasn’t going to allow him to be the kind of leader at home that he wanted to be.

5 Convictions Every Leader Should Have

Those who lead need to be people of conviction. Leaders need to hold fast and true to what they believe true.

When they don’t, organizations begin to sway and falter. We see uncertainty and unclear vision when a conviction is not there.

Your convictions matter

Image by Jin

This begs the question: What convictions should leaders hold onto? What can a leader believe that will drive their organization forward?

I believe there are 5 convictions every leader must believe and hold tightly to.

1. There are better days ahead: It’s easy to get discouraged when leading. Your organization might not be moving ahead as quickly as you would like. Your team may not be following your instruction. Your company may even be facing financial difficulty.

Those days suck. But there are better days ahead.

Remember the glory days? The days that looked so promising and held so much excitement?