5 Ways To Lose Your Influence As A Leader

Influence is at the heart of leadership. Our actions should inspire and influence our tribe to become better. To do more. To be more.

However, we sometimes do things that make us lose our influence as leaders.

Beached sailboats

Image by Damian Gadal

Be on guard for the actions that will make your leadership less effective and for you to lose your influence over your tribe. Your influence is valuable and it’s key to being a leader.

As you’re leading, take care to not lose your influence.

Have a Do as I say, not as I do attitude: Our actions speak louder than words. When we expect others to do as we say but not as we do, our tribe begins to notice.

Those once great followers will soon turn away. They’ll realize you’re all talk, no action. Don’t let your actions tell your tribe you’re not a leader.

Do Dumb Things

What’s the worst that could happen? I double-dog dare you. You’re not chicken, are you?

The words that come before we do something stupid.

Ever been there? I think we all have. I know I’ve uttered those words or accepted the challenge given.

Harry and Llyod headed to Aspen (Dumb and Dumber)

Image via Creative Commons

And sometimes they ended with me doing something dumb.

One time I was challenged to swim out to a no-swim buoy in Lake Michigan. Big mistake.

It was dumb and I almost didn’t make it back to shore.

Then there was the time I turned down an assistant manager position. Only to wind up fired from my job.

When these things were happening, it seemed like I was doing dumb things. Not making wise choices.

The swimming incident most likely wasn’t the wisest choice I could have made. It almost cost me my life.

How To Improve Your Time Management Skills

You and I, we’ve only got so many hours in the day. 24 hours to be exact. Sometimes those hours seem like an eternity. Other times they seem to pass by all too quickly.

The good news is you can take control of your time. You can learn to manage your time better. So that’s what we’re going to look at today.

Time flies

Image by R. Mitra

Time management is a struggle many leaders face today. They know they have the same amount of time as everyone else but sometimes it feels like others have more time than they do.

When you’re feeling like this, what do you do? How do you get back into the groove and manage your time effectively?

I’ve found 4 tips to improve your time management skills. Let’s go through each tip.

3 Ways Leaders Can Overcome Jealousy

Is there anything uglier than a jealous leader? A leader who has to be in control all of the time. Who can’t trust his team to do their job. Someone who has to oversee every little detail.

I’m not sure there is. And, as a leader, you better be sure you’re working to rid yourself of jealous.

Leaders can overcome jealousy. It’s possible, and I know you can do it.

The jealous green monsters

Image by Pascal

So, how does a leader overcome jealousy? It’s going to take focus. You’re going to have to be an intentional leader as jealousy can creep in undetected.

That’s what causes the downfall of so many leaders. They’re willing to give into jealousy and destroy their ability to influence positively.

Jealousy is a disease that will eat away at you. You’ll neglect relationships. You’ll hold on too tight. You’ll find yourself frustrated all of the time.