The internet is a crowded place. With so many people creating blogs, it’s easy for great people to get lost in the mix.
That’s why I’m bringing you a list of 10 online thought leaders you should know.
These guys and gals may not be Michael Hyatt or Dan Miller or Chris Brogan, but they’re people you should know.
They’re making a difference. They’re changing the world. And they’re doing it from behind a computer screen or microphone.
1. Matt McWilliams: Matt’s a world-changer. He’s recording multiple episodes of a podcast every week helping others to become world changers as well.
If you haven’t heard of Mike before, you have now and you will in the future.
2. Jonathan Milligan: Jonathan is helping people live a life full of passion doing the things they love. He’s also the mastermind behind Blogging Your Passion University where Jonathan and Bob Lotich (look at #3 to learn who he is) help others in their blogging journey..
3. Bob Lotich: I discovered Bob through the Blogging Your Passion podcast but have come to love Bob because of his desire to help people learn how to spend money in a Biblical fashion. He does this by sharing financial wisdom at
4. Amber-Lee Dibble: Amber-Lee is a frequent commenter on my blog but she’s so much more than that. She’s living a crazy life in the Alaskan wilderness. Through Pioneer Outfitters, Amber-Lee and the gang are showing people there’s more to life than a screen and a phone.
5. Matt Perman: Matt attended the Catalyst Atlanta blogger meetup that Paul Sohn and I put on this year. Matt also was a Catalyst Lab speaker.
While I didn’t get to hear Matt’s message, I did get to find out his heart during his time at the meetup. Sitting down and listening to him share his experience on the Catalyst stage and the emotions he felt afterwards showed that he is a true leader.
6. Barnabas Piper: If you know who John Piper is, you’ll want to know his son Barnabas. While he may not seem to fit the list as his dad is high profile, I believe he does.
He’s a down-to-earth guy who’s trying to reach out to pastor’s kids to help them find their own faith and identity.
7. Justin Marshall: I don’t even know where to begin with Justin. I think I’ll you about his passion to share the stories of the homeless and down-trodden in his city.
He’s doing this through sharing their pictures and stories on his blog. He’s helping people to realize that the homeless are no different than you or I.
8. Linda Lochridge Hoenigsberg: Linda’s a trooper. She’s a professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, and certified in Dialetical Behavior Therapy.
She’s also faced many struggles in her life from abuse to cancer. She’s been able to overcome these battles though she’s facing another bout of cancer treatment.
Through all of this, she keeps an upbeat attitude and knows where to place her faith.
9. Bryan Kemper: I’ve followed Bryan for quite some time. His previous organization, Rock For Life, played a huge part in my younger years.
Bryan’s passion is saving the lives of the unborn. He’s passionate about telling the truth about abortion and the pain women go through after experiencing one.
While he’s moved on from Rock For Life, he’s still doing the pro-life thing at Stand True Pro-Life Outreach.
Cool fact: The Duggars wore his organizations shirts on their TV show and they were censored by TLC.
10. Chris Lautsbaugh: I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Chris for the past couple of years and even meeting him 2 times.
Chris is a missionary with Youth With A Mission in South Africa. He’s living out his faith and his purpose and he’s not ashamed of it.
These are 10 young men and women who are doing great things in the world today.
They’re fighting for what they believe. They’re helping people live a better life. They’re done staying silent and are willing to speak up.
Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.